Calculate a running sum
- Open the report in Design view.
- Click the Text Box tool
in the toolbox.
- Do one of the following:
To calculate a running sum that increases for each record, place the text box in the detail section.
To calculate a running sum that increases for each group of records, place the text box in the group header or footer.
- Select the text box, and then click Properties
on the toolbar.
- Set the ControlSource property to an expression that calculates the sum you want.
- Set the RunningSum property according to the type of running total you want:
Over Group Resets to 0 (zero) at the beginning of each higher group level.
Over All Accumulates until the end of the report.
Note When you set the RunningSum property to Over All, you can repeat the grand total in the report footer. Create a text box in the report footer and set its ControlSource property to the name of the text box that calculates the running sum; for example, =[OrderAmount]