You can set IME properties for a Text, Memo, or Hyperlink field.
- Open the table in Design view.
- In the upper portion of the window, click the field for which you want to specify the IME behavior.
- In the lower portion of the window, set the IMEMode and IMESentenceMode properties. For more information, click the applicable property box and press F1.
Set IME properties for a control on a form
You can set IME properties for a text box, a list box, or a combo box.
- Open the form in Design view.
- Select the control for which you want to set the IME mode, and then click Properties
on the Form Design toolbar.
- Set the IMEHold, IMEMode, or IMESentenceMode properties. For more information, click the applicable property box and press F1.
Specify IME behavior when entering data in a datasheet
- On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Keyboard tab.
- Do one of the following:
- To specify that the IMEMode property is set to No Control when entering data in a datasheet, select the Datasheet IME control check box.
- To specify that IME behavior is determined by the IMEMode property of the individual fields, clear the Datasheet IME control check box.