About subdatasheets

Microsoft Office Access 2003

A form in Form view or Datasheet view can also have a subdatasheet, but there are differences between a form subdatasheet and a table or query subdatasheet:

  • You insert a subdatasheet into a form by adding a subform control, and then defining a source object by setting the subform control's SourceObject property to a table, query, or form. When you view the form in Datasheet view, the subform appears as a subdatasheet. If the subform's source object is a form, its DefaultView property can be set to Datasheet, Single View, or Continuous Form. Therefore, in form Datasheet view, you can also see the subdatasheet displayed as a single or continuous form.
  • Although a form can have more than one subform, each of which can be nested for up to two levels, in form Datasheet view only one subdatasheet is displayed. Access displays the subdatasheet corresponding to the first subform in the tab order of the form.
  • When you first open a table, query, or form in Datasheet view, its subdatasheet is not expanded; however, when you first open a form in Form view, the subdatasheet corresponding to the subform is expanded.
  • You can permanently display the foreign key or matching fields in the subdatasheet corresponding to the subform if the subform's source object is a form.