- Enter a value or expression, or pick a value from the list in other fields on the Look For tab.
- Delete some of the alternative criteria that records can meet by deleting one or more Or tabs.
- Select another value that you want the records to contain, and then click Filter By Selection on the toolbar. Repeat this until you have just the records you want to see.
Instead, select the first value you want to exclude, right-click, and then select Filter Excluding Selection. Select the next value you want to exclude, and then repeat the previous step.
- Specify another value in the Filter For box, and then press ENTER. Repeat until you have the records you want.
The filter returns too few records.
- Add alternative criteria that records can meet on the Or tab (at the bottom of the window).
- If you have multiple criteria on the Look For or Or tab, delete the value or expression that's restricting the records you want to see.
- Remove the filter, select a value you're looking for, and then click Filter By Selection on the toolbar. If necessary, repeat this until you have the records you want to see.
- If you're using Filter By Selection on a combo box field that gets its values from a value list, check if the bound column for the combo box is the first column displayed in the list. If it's not and you've selected as your criteria part of a value from the combo box's displayed column, Microsoft Access can't match the criteria to the data in the bound column. You need to either change the combo box so the bound column is the first column displayed in the list, or fill the combo box with values from a table or query.
The filter returns the wrong records.
If the filter returns the wrong records, make sure you're using the correct fields to specify the value you're searching for or to specify other criteria, and make sure you've entered the correct value or criteria. If you're filtering on fields from linked tables, the values you use in criteria for those fields are case-sensitive
If you're using expressions in the Filter By Form window verify you're using the correct operators.
The filter behaved correctly. When you create a filter on a subform, it only applies to the subform. To filter the records on the main form, click the main form, and then create the filter.
The filter behaved correctly. When you create a filter on a subdatasheet, it only applies to the subdatasheet. To filter the records on the datasheet that displays the subdatasheet, click in that datasheet, and then create the filter.
I can't use some of the fields in the Filter By Form or Server Filter By Form window.
You can't use the following types of fields in the Filter By Form window or Server Filter By Form window because they don't apply to filtering records:
- A calculated control in a form.
- A field created with an unbound control or unbound object frame.
The local filter didn't return all the records that meet the criteria I specified.
If you don't need to filter on all the records in the database, create a server filter to limit records to the subset that you need. If you do need to filter on all the records, raise the maximum record limit. This limit determines how many records can be retrieved from the database. If the limit is too low, you aren't filtering on a complete set of records. For example, if you specify >M in the Last Name field to find all last names that start with M or letters after M in the alphabet, Microsoft Access may have only retrieved records containing last names that start with A through F.