I get the message "The DefaultSort property is invalid."

Microsoft Office Access 2003

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I get the message "The DefaultSort property is invalid."

In the DefaultSort property box, type the name of the field or fields you want to sort on. Separate multiple field names with a comma. If you want to sort in ascending or descending order, you can follow each name with a space and the keyword ASC or DESC, respectively. For example, type OrderDate DESC, OrderID ASC. If you don't specify the order, Microsoft Access sorts in ascending order.

If the control you want to sort on is bound to an expression, you must type the alias of the control as displayed in its ControlSource property. For example, if the ControlSource property of the control you want to sort on is set to GroupOfExtendedPrice: ExtendedPrice, type GroupOfExtendedPrice in the DefaultSort property box.