Field codes: SkipIf field

Microsoft Office Word 2003

Expression1 Operator Expression2 }

Compares two expressions. If the comparison is true, SKIPIF cancels the current merge document, moves to the next data record in the data source, and starts a new merge document. If the comparison is false, Microsoft Word continues the current merge document.

You may find the SKIPIF field used in documents created in previous versions of Word, but don't use the SKIPIF field in the current version of Word. You can select data records more easily by using the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, which appears when you connect to a data source during a mail merge.


  • A merge (MERGEFIELD) field used in an expression refers to data in the current data record, not in the next data record.
  • Don't use the SKIPIF field with the NEXT field.


Inserted into a mail merge main document, the following field examines the contents of the Order field for the current data record. If the field contains a number less than 100, no merged document is produced for that data record.

{ SKIPIF { MERGEFIELD Order } < 100 }