- \b Bookmark
Builds an index for the portion of the document marked by the specified bookmark. The field { INDEX \b Select } builds an index for the portion of the document marked by the bookmark "Select."
- \c Columns
Creates an index with more than one column on a page. The field { index \c 2 } creates a two-column index. You can specify up to four columns.
- \d "Separators"
Used with the \s switch, specifies the characters (up to five) that separate sequence numbers and page numbers. The field { INDEX \s chapter \d " : " } displays page numbers in the format "2:14." A hyphen (-) is used if you omit the \d switch. Enclose the characters in quotation marks.
- \e "Separators"
Specifies the characters (up to five) that separate an index entry and its page number. The { INDEX \e "; " } field displays a result such as "Inserting text; 3" in the index. A comma and space (, ) are used if you omit the \e switch. Enclose the characters in quotation marks.
- \f "Identifier"
Creates an index using only the specified entry type. The index generated by { INDEX \f "a" } includes only entries marked with XE fields such as { XE "Selecting Text" \f "a" }. The default entry type is "I".
- \g "Separators"
Specifies the characters (up to five) that separate a range of pages. Enclose the characters in quotation marks. The default is an en dash (–). The field { INDEX \g " to " } displays page ranges as "Finding text, 3 to 4".
- \h "Heading"
Inserts text formatted with the Index Heading style between alphabetic groups in the index. Enclose the text in quotation marks. The field { INDEX \h "
— A — " } displays the appropriate letter before each alphabetic group in the index. To insert a blank line between groups, use empty quotation marks: \h "". - \k "Separators"
Specifies the characters that separate an index entry and its cross reference. The { INDEX \k ": " } field displays a result such as "Inserting text: See Editing" in the index. A period and space (. ) are used if you omit the \k switch. Enclose the characters in quotation marks.
- \l "Separators"
Specifies the characters that separate multiple-page references. The default characters are a comma and a space (, ). You can use up to five characters, which must be enclosed in quotation marks. The field { INDEX \l " or " } displays entries such as "Inserting text, 23 or 45 or 66" in the index.
- \p "Range"
Compiles an index for the specified letters. The field { INDEX \p a-m } generates an index for only the letters A through M. To include entries that begin with characters other than letters, use an exclamation point (!). The index generated by { INDEX \p !--t } includes any special characters, as well as the letters A through T.
- \r
Runs subentries into the same line as the main entry. Colons (:) separate main entries from subentries; semicolons (;) separate subentries. The field { INDEX \r } displays entries such as "Text: inserting 5, 9; selecting 2; deleting 15".
- \s
When followed by a sequence name, includes the sequence number with the page number. Use the \d switch to specify a separator character other than the default, which is a hyphen (-).
- \y
- Enables the use of yomi text for index entries.
- \z
- Defines the language ID that Microsoft Word uses to generate the index.
The field { INDEX \s chapter \d "." } builds an index for a master document. Each subdocument is a chapter; the chapter titles include a SEQ field that numbers the chapters. The \d switch separates the chapter number and page number with a period (.). An index generated from this field looks similar to the following:
Aristotle, 1.2
Earth, 2.6
Jupiter, 2.7
Mars, 2.6