Security Because field codes can be visible to anyone reading your document, be sure that the information you place in field codes is not information that you want kept private.
- "FileName"
- The name and location of the document. If the location includes a long file name with spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Replace single backslashes with double backslashes to specify the path, for example:
"C:\\My Documents\\Manual.doc"
- Bookmark
- The name of a bookmark that refers to the portion of the Microsoft Word document you want to include.
- \!
- Prevents Word from updating fields in the inserted text unless the fields are first updated in the source document.
- \c ClassName
- Here are file format converters provided with Word and their corresponding class names:
- WordPerfect version 6.x
- WordPerfect6x
- WordPerfect 5.x for Windows
- WrdPrfctWin
- \n
- Specifies a namespace mapping for XPath queries. This switch is required if the \x switch refers to an element by name in an XML file that declares a namespace.
- \t
- Specifies an XSLT for formatting XML data.
- \x
- Specifies the XPath for returning a fragment of data in an XML file.
This field inserts the portion of the file referred to by the Summary bookmark:
{ INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Winword\\Port Development RFP" Summary }
This field inserts the Name element of the XML document Resume.xml and applies the XSLT Display.xsl to it:
{ INCLUDETEXT "C:\\Resume.xml" \n xmlns:a=\"resume-schema\" \t "C:\\display.xsl" \x a:Resume/a:Name }