Microsoft Office Word 2003 Documentation
Add a 3-D effect to a drawing object
Microsoft Office Word 2003
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Add a 3-D effect to a drawing object
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drawing object.
On the
3-D Style
Select the 3-D style that you want.
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Table of contents
Startup and Settings
What's new in Microsoft Office Word 2003
What's new in Microsoft Office 2003
About product activation in Microsoft Office System products
Disclaimer: Use of Fictitious Names
Terms of Use
Getting Help
Get help about Web Discussions
About getting help while you work
Icons in the Search Results task pane
Show or hide the Type a question for help box
Change the appearance of a Help topic
Print a Help topic
Troubleshoot Help
The Office Assistant
About tips and messages from the Office Assistant
Select a different Office Assistant
Display tips and messages through the Office Assistant
Hide or show the Office Assistant
Turn the Office Assistant sound on or off
Show or hide the Office Assistant in wizards
Turn on or off Trust access to Visual Basic Project
Other Resources
About the Office Resource Kit
Open the Office Readme file
Get Help for Visual Basic for Applications in Word
Get help from Microsoft Product Support services
Macro language support is disabled
Show the Tip of the Day when an Office program starts
Macros for changing and troubleshooting Word settings
Automatically update this list from the Web
Microsoft Office Online
About Office Communities
Search for help, templates, and additional online content on Microsoft Office Online
Complete an Office Web-based training course
Give feedback for Microsoft Office Online or an Office program
Turn Microsoft Office Online featured links on or off
About accessibility for people with disabilities
About creating accessible Office documents
Accessibility features in Office Help
Accessibility features in Word
Using screen readers with Help
Keyboard Shortcuts
About shortcut keys
Keyboard shortcuts
Assign or remove a shortcut key
Assign a keyboard shortcut to a style
Print a list of shortcut keys
Keyboard shortcuts for international characters
ALT GR keys
Restore shortcut keys to their original settings
Installing and Customizing
Install or remove individual components in Office
Show or hide ScreenTips
Get information about your program and computer
Show or hide the list of recently used documents on the File menu
Change Office's appearance
Open an Office Binder file
Customize how Word starts
Toolbars and Commands
About menus and toolbars
Add a button, menu, or command
Assign a hyperlink to a toolbar button or menu command
Delete a button or menu command
Items that appear in the status bar
Move or copy a button, menu, or menu command
Assign or change a keyboard accelerator
Create a custom toolbar
Group related buttons and menus on a toolbar
Move a submenu anywhere on the screen
Customize a shortcut menu
Rename a button, menu command, or menu
Delete a toolbar or menu
Show or hide a toolbar
Move a toolbar
Show all buttons or commands
Animate menus
Resize a toolbar
Add, change, or delete sounds used with buttons and menu commands
Change a picture on a button
Change the size of a toolbar button or drop-down list box
Display an icon, text or both on a menu command or button
Rename a custom toolbar
Restore original settings for buttons, commands, or toolbars
Show or hide toolbar ScreenTips
Show or hide shortcut keys in ScreenTips
Troubleshoot toolbars and menus
Troubleshoot Installing Office
About Office Safe Mode
Enable items that were disabled by Office Safe Mode
Recover a program that is not responding
Automatically repair Office programs
Troubleshoot installing an Office program
Global Templates and Add-ins
About loading and unloading global templates and add-in programs
Load or unload a global template or add-in program
Load or unload a Component Object Model (COM) add-in program
Using Microsoft Office
About the default working folder
Change the default working folder
About Microsoft Office Document Imaging
Show the vertical ruler or scroll bar
Automatically start an Office program when you turn on your computer
Change the program that starts when you open a file
Copy the window or screen contents
Show or hide multiple program buttons on the Windows Taskbar
What happened to the Office Shortcut Bar?
Change the screen resolution
Minimize a window
Minimize all program windows on the Windows desktop
Restore a minimized window
Show all windows on the Windows desktop
Format a disk
Prompt to open a file as read-only
Office Clipboard
About collecting and pasting multiple items
Display the contents of the Office Clipboard
Clear items from the Office Clipboard
Turn off the Office Clipboard
Turn Office Clipboard command options on or off
Instant Messaging
About Instant Messaging
Send an instant message
Enable instant message smart tags
Managing Files
Save a document
About saving documents
Troubleshoot opening files
Open a file
Rename a file
Select multiple files
Add an open file to the Favorites folder
About Rich Text Format documents
Save an Office document as a TIFF file
Set a default file format for saving new documents
Troubleshoot saving documents
Troubleshoot saving files
Turn off fast saves
View all hidden file types and file name extensions
Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files
Move a file
Copy a file
Delete a file
Add or delete a shortcut from the My Places bar
Connect to a network drive
Go back to the previous drive, folder, or Internet location
File Properties
About file properties
View file properties
Change the author name for new documents
Create custom file properties
Set or change file properties
Modify custom file properties
Remove custom file properties
Troubleshoot file properties
File Recovery
About document recovery
Change the save interval for automatic file recovery
Recover files
Troubleshoot file recovery
Recover the text from a damaged document
Specify a location for automatically recovered files
Document Backup
About preventing loss of work
Save a backup copy of a document
Open a backup copy of a document
Document Versions
About saving versions of a document
Save multiple versions of a document
Open an earlier version of a document
Review version information
Save a version of a document as a separate file
Delete one or more versions of a document
Troubleshoot versioning
Finding Files
About places to save files
About finding files
Find a file
Troubleshoot finding files
Handwriting and Speech
Show or hide the Language bar
Tablet PC Ink
About ink features in Office
About using ink in Word
Insert ink in a document
Insert an ink comment
About locking document layout for ink annotations
Mark up a document with ink annotations
Select ink
Copy and paste ink
Delete ink
Change color of ink
About using ink in e-mail messages
Insert ink in an e-mail message
Switch pens
Change thickness of ink
Resize ink
Troubleshoot ink in Word
Troubleshoot ink in e-mail messages
Handwriting Recognition
About handwriting recognition
Install handwriting recognition
Handwriting recognition toolbars
Use handwriting recognition
Change handwriting recognition options
Troubleshoot handwriting recognition
Use handwriting tools to draw
Correct handwriting
Convert writing in handwritten form to typed text
Turn on or off saving handwritten input data
East Asian Languages
About handwriting recognition in East Asian languages
Use handwriting recognition in East Asian languages
Change handwriting recognition options in East Asian languages
Use handwriting tools to draw in East Asian languages
Change the handwriting recognition language
Correct handwriting in East Asian languages
Handwriting recognition toolbars in East Asian languages
Troubleshoot handwriting recognition in East Asian languages
Speech Recognition
About speech recognition
Getting started with speech recognition
Install and train speech recognition
Things you can do and say with speech recognition
Use speech recognition
How to speak to a computer
Position the speech recognition microphone
Turn on or off the speech recognition microphone
Create and use speech recognition user profiles
Format text by using speech recognition
Switch between using Dictation and Voice Command modes
Add to or delete from the speech recognition dictionary
Change speech recognition engines
Correct speech recognition errors
Language bar speech recognition messages
Turn on or off saving speech input data
Troubleshoot speech recognition
Creating Documents
About installing wizards and templates
Use settings from another document or template
Insert another file into an open document
Create a folded booklet
Using Wizards
Create a document
Create a letter
Modify an existing letter by using the Letter Wizard
Modify frequently used text in letters
Create a résumé
Create a new e-mail message
Create a document template
Create a legal pleading
Create a memo
Create an agenda
Create a calendar
Converting Documents
Turn on or off features introduced in recent versions of Word
About opening and saving in other file formats
Convert documents
Install a converter that's supplied with Word
Show or hide the Convert File dialog box
About file format converters
Set options for converting documents
Saving a document in a file format that cannot support specific features
Move files between Windows and the Macintosh
Using WordPerfect and Word
Troubleshoot file conversion
About templates
About template locations
About using settings from another document or template
Copy AutoText entries to another template
Modify a document template
Copy custom toolbars to another document or template
Troubleshoot templates and letters
Remove a tab from the Templates dialog box
Headers and Footers
About headers and footers
Insert headers and footers
Insert the chapter number and title in a header or footer
Change headers or footers
Position headers and footers
Delete a header or footer
Troubleshoot headers and footers
Master Documents
About master documents
Combine or split subdocuments
Convert a subdocument into part of the master document
Create a master document and subdocuments
Delete a subdocument from a master document
Expand or collapse subdocuments
Insert an existing Word document into a master document
Lock or unlock a subdocument
Open a subdocument from within a master document
Add page numbers to a master document or subdocuments
Print a master document
Rearrange subdocuments within a master document
Rename a subdocument
Troubleshoot master documents and subdocuments
Viewing and Navigating Documents
About ways to view a Word document
Select a document view
Arrange Word documents on the screen
Move around in a document
View two parts of a document simultaneously
Compare documents side by side
Zoom in on or out of a document
Show or hide formatting marks
Show or hide white space in print layout view
Display or hide scroll bars
Display a blue window background
Change the default unit of measure
What do the underlines in my document mean?
I see something unusual in my document
Troubleshoot document views and screen displays
Document Map
About the Document Map
Navigate a document with the Document Map
Change the width of the Document Map
Format text in the Document Map pane
Troubleshoot the Document Map
Reading Layout View
About reading layout view
Use reading layout view
Troubleshoot reading layout view
Outline View
About viewing a document as an outline
Create an outline from scratch
Collapse an outline to view a document's organization
Reorganize a document by using outline view
Text formatting in outline view
Troubleshoot outline view
Formatting Documents
Margins and Page Setup
About page margins
Change page margins
Select page orientation
Select paper size
Create a right-to-left folded booklet
Troubleshoot margins and page orientation
Page and Line Numbers
About line numbers
Add line numbers
Restart page numbering for each chapter
Add page numbers
Format page numbers
Remove line numbers
Remove page numbers
Display or hide the page number on the first page
Position page numbers outside the header or footer
Specify how to start or restart page numbering
Skip line numbers for specific paragraphs
Troubleshoot page numbers and line numbers
Page and Section Breaks
About page breaks and pagination
About sections and section breaks
Control pagination
Insert a manual page break
Change the type of section break
Delete a section break
Insert a section break
Troubleshoot page breaks and section breaks
Tables, Lists, and Columns
About tables
Office programs you can use to create a table
Automatically format a table
Add a cell, row, or column to a table
Change the cell margins in a table
Change the position of text in a table
Control where a table is divided
Convert text to a table or vice versa
Copy a table
Create a new table style
Create a table
Delete a cell, row, or column from a table
Delete a table or clear its contents
Display or hide gridlines in a table
Edit a list in a table by using a data form
Insert a tab in a table cell
Insert text before a table
Merge cells into one cell in a table
Move or copy items in a table
Number the cells in a table
Perform calculations in a table
Position a table on a page
Referencing cells in a table
Repeat a table heading on subsequent pages
Resize all or part of a table
Split a cell into multiple cells in a table
Split a table
Locate specific records in a large table
Troubleshoot tables
Bulleted and Numbered Lists
About bulleted and numbered lists
Add bullets or numbering
Add picture bullets or symbols to lists
Add numbering to items in paragraph text
Add numbers to headings
Create a new list style
Convert bullets to numbers and vice versa
Adjust spacing between a list bullet or number and the text
Change the numbering sequence in lists
Create a multiple-level picture bullet list
Create an outline numbered list
Include multiple outline numbers on a single line
Combine lists into one list
Modify bulleted or numbered list formats
Restore a customized list format to its original setting
Remove bullets or numbering
Turn on or off automatic bulleted or numbered lists
Troubleshoot bulleted and numbered lists
Newsletter-Style Columns
About newsletter-style layout
Add vertical lines between newsletter-style columns
Balance newsletter-style column length on a page
Change the number of newsletter-style columns
Change the width of newsletter-style columns
Create a heading that spans newsletter-style columns
Create newsletter-style columns
Display or hide newsletter-style column boundaries
Force the start of a new newsletter-style column
Remove newsletter-style columns
Troubleshoot newsletter-style columns
Linked Text Boxes
Break a text box link
Continue a story elsewhere with linked text boxes
Change the shape of the
Copy or move linked text boxes
Delete a linked text box without deleting text
Flow text side-by-side with linked text boxes
Move among linked text boxes in a story
Troubleshoot linked text boxes
Sorting Lists and Tables
About sorting
Sort a list or table
Sort according to the rules of another language
Troubleshoot sorting
Tables of Contents, Index, and Tables of Figures
Change the appearance of a table of contents, index, table of authorities, or table of figures
Delete an index, table of authorities, or table of figures
Update an index, table of contents, table of figures, or table of authorities
Troubleshoot a table of figures or table of authorities
Table of Contents
About creating a table of contents
Create a table of contents
Delete a table of contents
Troubleshoot tables of contents
About creating an index
Create an index
Delete an index entry
Edit or format an index entry
Troubleshoot indexes
Table of Figures
Create a table of figures
Table of Authorities
About creating a table of authorities
Create a table of authorities
Add or change a citation category for a table of authorities
Edit or format a table of authorities entry
Delete an entry from a table of authorities
Cross-References, Captions, and Bookmarks
About cross-references
Change a cross-reference
Create a cross-reference
Paragraph number options in cross-references
Troubleshoot cross-references
About captions
Add captions
Change captions
Include chapter numbers in captions
Create a new caption label
Troubleshoot captions
Add a bookmark
Delete a bookmark
Go to a specific bookmark
Show bookmarks
Troubleshoot bookmarks
Footnotes and Endnotes
About footnotes and endnotes
Change or remove a footnote or endnote separator
Change the number format of footnotes or endnotes
Change the placement of footnotes and endnotes
Continue footnote and endnote numbering from one document to another
Convert footnotes to endnotes and vice versa
Create a footnote or endnote continuation notice
Delete a footnote or an endnote
Insert a footnote or an endnote
Move or copy a footnote or endnote
Refer to the same footnote or endnote more than once
Restart footnote or endnote numbering from 1
View footnotes and endnotes
Print endnotes on a separate page
Troubleshoot footnotes and endnotes
Styles and Reusing Formatting
About checking the consistency of formatting
Check formatting for consistency
Troubleshoot format checking
About formatting text by using styles
Select all text with the same formatting
Reuse formatting
View or apply styles with the Style Gallery
Create a new style
Modify a style
Rename styles
Copy styles to another document or template
Apply a different style
Delete styles
Specify that one paragraph style follow another
Automatically update a paragraph style
Restrict formatting of a document
Display paragraph style names in the document window
Display or hide the Styles and Formatting task pane
Turn on or off automatic style definition
Turn on or off format tracking
Reveal formatting
Compare the formatting of two text selections
Troubleshoot using styles and applying formatting
About automatically summarizing a document
Automatically summarize a document
Troubleshoot automatically summarizing a document
Working with Text
Select text and graphics
Specify how Word selects text
Change typing and editing options
Troubleshoot selecting text
Troubleshoot Overtype
Copy and Paste
About the format of pasted information
Move or copy text and graphics
Turn on or off drag-and-drop editing
Turn on or off the Paste Options button
Troubleshoot collecting and pasting
Use the Spike to move text and graphics from nonadjacent locations
Find and Replace
Find and replace text or other items
Troubleshoot finding and replacing text or other items
Repeat and Undo Actions
Repeat your last action
Undo mistakes
Spelling, Grammar, and Thesaurus
About spelling, grammar, and the thesaurus
Troubleshoot spelling, grammar, and other proofing tools
Spelling and Grammar
Check spelling and grammar
Check the spelling and grammar of text in another language
Create and use custom dictionaries
Remove a custom dictionary
Set spelling and grammar preferences
Specify a preferred spelling for a word
Turn on or off automatic spelling and grammar checking
Grammar and writing style options
Show or hide wavy underlines
Readability scores
Display readability statistics
Symbols, Characters, and Hyphenation
About symbols and special characters
Insert a symbol
Insert a special character
Display and enter the euro and other currency symbols
Assign a shortcut key to a symbol or special character
Automatically insert an arrow, face, or other symbol
About hyphenation
Hyphenate text
Hyphenate text in another language
Insert a nonbreaking hyphen
Insert an optional hyphen
Remove hyphenation
Formatting Characters
Animate text
About applying formatting
Apply bold formatting
Apply embossed, engraved, outlined, or shadow formatting to text
Apply italic formatting
Show or hide actual fonts in the font list
Apply strikethrough formatting
Capitalize text
Change the color of text
Change the font
Apply or remove highlighting
Change the size of text
Change the spacing between characters
Remove formatting from text
Create a large dropped initial capital letter
Display or hide text animation
Hide text
Make text superscript or subscript
Remove a large dropped initial capital letter
Remove animation from text
Set the default font
Stretch or scale text horizontally
Underline text
Troubleshoot text formatting
Formatting Paragraphs
About text alignment and spacing
Adjust line or paragraph spacing
Align text left or right
Center text
Change the spacing between default tab stops
Change the vertical alignment of text
Clear or move tab stops
Indent paragraphs
Insert a tab in an outline
Justify text
Set tab stops
Insert a manual line break
Vary alignment within a single line of text
Troubleshoot line and paragraph spacing
Insert a tab in a table cell
Automatic Text Options
Automatically insert the current date
Insert the current date and time
Insert the date and time a document was created, last printed, or last saved
About automatic corrections
Automatically correct text as you type
Automatically correct text as you type in another language
Create or change automatic corrections
Delete an AutoCorrect entry
Turn on or off AutoCorrect options
Troubleshoot automatic corrections
Turn on or off AutoComplete
About inserting frequently used text and graphics
Create or change an AutoText entry
Delete an AutoText entry
Insert an AutoText entry
Troubleshoot inserting frequently used text and graphics
About automatic formatting
Automatic formatting results
Automatically format hyphens as en dashes and em dashes
Change curly quotes to straight quotes and vice versa
Review AutoFormat changes
Format a document automatically
Turn off automatic formatting when Word is your e-mail editor
Turn on or off automatic formatting
Turn on or off automatic formatting of hyperlinks
Troubleshoot automatic formatting
Click and Type
About Click and Type
Use Click and Type to insert text and graphics
Troubleshoot Click and Type
Word Count
About word count
Count words
Working with Graphics and Charts
About graphics in Word
Select text and graphics
Position graphics and text
Change the default positioning of graphics
Add text to a drawing object or picture
Change the text-wrapping style for a picture or drawing object
Change the orientation of text
Determine if a picture is a bitmap or a drawn picture
Resize or crop graphics
About grouping and ungrouping objects
About Portable Network Graphics (.png) format
About stacking objects
Group, ungroup, or regroup objects
Move an object forward or backward
Save graphics in .png format
Set defaults for new picture or shape style
Troubleshoot graphics
Turn the drawing canvas on or off
Managing and Viewing Graphics
Arranging, aligning, and distributing graphics
Graphics file types Word can use
Speed up scrolling by hiding graphics
Convert embedded objects into graphics
Change the default program for editing imported graphics
Ways to reduce file size
Shapes and Drawing Objects
About shapes
Add a shape
Change the text in WordArt
Align and arrange drawing objects
Change a shape to another shape
Add WordArt
Change the drawing grid
Create a drawing
Delete a drawing object
Reshape a shape
Move a drawing object or set of objects
Flip an object
Create a mirror image of an object
Rotate an object
Apply the same height and width to different objects
Show or hide drawing gridlines
Create a callout or label that includes a leader
Change a callout leader
About WordArt
Borders, Shading, and Graphic Fills
About borders, shading, and graphic fills
Add a border
Add shading, color, or graphic fills
Change a border
Change shading, color, or graphic fills
Remove a border
Remove shading, colors, or graphic fills
Troubleshoot borders, shading, and graphic effects
Backgrounds and Watermarks
About backgrounds and watermarks
Add a background or watermark
Change a background or watermark
Remove a background or watermark
Troubleshoot backgrounds and watermarks
Pictures and Clip Art
About pictures
Insert a picture
Change an inline picture to a floating picture, and vice versa
Wrap text
Create transparent areas in a picture
Undo all changes to a picture
Change the contrast or brightness of a picture
About transparent areas
Crop a picture
About reducing a picture's file size
Troubleshoot working with a scanner or camera
Clip Art
About finding clips
Find a clip
Find similar clips
Preview a clip
Insert a clip
View clip properties
Tips for finding clips
Clip Organizer
About the Clip Organizer
Add a clip to the Clip Organizer
Open Clip Organizer from an Office program
3-D and Shadows
About 3-D effects and shadows
Add a 3-D effect to a drawing object
Add or remove a shadow
Add or remove an embossed or engraved effect from a shape
Change a 3-D drawing object
Change the shadow of a drawing object
Remove a 3-D effect from a drawing object
Remove a shadow from a drawing object
Text Boxes
Insert a text box
The difference between a text box and a frame
Convert a text box to a frame and vice versa
Change the margins around text in a shape or text box
Resize a frame or text box
Remove a frame
Lines and Connectors
About connector lines
Add a line
Draw a curve
Draw a freeform shape
Draw a line or connector
Add or remove arrowheads
Move or reroute a connector
Change the shape of a freeform or curve
Format a line or connector
Charts and Diagrams
Create a chart
Draw a flowchart
Change a flowchart
About organization charts
Add an organization chart
Change an organization chart
About diagrams
Add a diagram
Change a diagram
Delete an organization chart or diagram
Resize a diagram or organization chart
Troubleshoot diagrams and organization charts
Print a document
Preview a page before printing
Print a folded booklet
Print a document to a file
Cancel printing
Edit text in print preview
Troubleshoot printing
Set Up Printer
Find a printer
Set up a new printer
Set the default printer
Print Options
Select a paper source
Print property information or other details
Prevent a document from printing onto an additional page
Check the progress of your print job
Scale a document to fit on different paper sizes
Print more than one copy
Turn on or off background printing
Update fields or linked information before you print
Use different paper for a part of a document
Security and Privacy
More about security options and connecting to a server
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Privacy Statement
Microsoft Office Activation/Registration Privacy Statement
Remove personal or hidden information
About using passwords
Remove or change a password
Require a password to open or modify a file
Troubleshoot passwords
Digital Signatures
About digital signatures
Create your own digital certificate
Add a digital signature to a file or macro project
Remove a digital signature
Review digital certificates for a file or macro project
About .NET Macro Security
Macro security levels
Change the security level for macro virus protection
Protect against macro viruses
Warn about installed templates and add-ins
About helping protect files from macro viruses
Modify the list of trusted publishers for macros
Troubleshoot modifying the list of trusted publishers for macros
Troubleshoot macro security and warnings
Mass Mailings
Create a directory of names, addresses, and other information
Envelopes and Labels
About creating and printing a single envelope
Create and print labels for a mass mailing
Insert an address from an electronic address book
Specify a default return address
Add electronic postage to an envelope or label
Create and print a single envelope
Create and print envelopes for a mass mailing
Customize envelopes
Print an envelope that is attached to a document
Troubleshoot envelopes and labels
Include a POSTNET bar code or FIM-A code on envelopes or labels
About creating and printing labels for a single item or address
Create and print labels for a single item or address
Create custom mailing labels
Customize labels
Mail Merge
Create and distribute merged faxes
About mail merge data sources
About mail merge for form letters and mass mailings
Create and print form letters
Data sources you can use for a mail merge
Select a different data source for a main document
Restore a mail merge main document to a regular document
Resume a mail merge
Select recipients to include in a mail merge
Troubleshoot mail merge
About mail-merge fields
Add fields to a form letter or other mail-merge document
Format merged data
Print merged documents
Create and distribute merged e-mail messages
Word and the Web
Add or remove an FTP site from the list of Internet sites
Change the logon name or password for an FTP site
Creating Web Pages
About creating a Web page
About using filtered HTML
About international characters and symbols on Web pages
About single file Web pages (MHTML)
Create a Web page
Add scrolling text to a Web page
Add a title to a Web page
Reduce Web page size by filtering HTML
Set the font for a Web page or plain-text file that you open
Change HTML DIV borders
View the HTML source of a Web page
Provide alternate text and images for the Web
Turn on or off Design mode
Preview a document as a Web page
Optimize Web pages for a specific browser
Turn off features not supported by Web browsers
Set the encoding for a Web page
Troubleshoot Web pages
Frames and Frames Pages
About links in Web frames
About moving Web frames and frames pages
About Web frames
Working with frames pages
Create a frames page
Create a table of contents in a Web frame
Name a Web frame
Remove a Web frame
Resize a Web frame in a frames page
Save an individual Web frame
Show or hide Web frames borders
Turn on or off Web frame resizing
Turn on or off scroll bars in a Web frame
Troubleshoot Web frames and frames pages
About themes
Apply a theme
Change a theme
Choose a default theme
Remove a theme
Troubleshoot themes
Cascading Style Sheets
About attaching cascading style sheets
Attach cascading style sheets
Change the order of cascading style sheets
Detach cascading style sheets
Specify that only cascading style sheets are used for formatting Web pages
Create a hyperlink
Format a hyperlink
Change a hyperlink
Edit an image that represents a hyperlink
Remove a hyperlink
Set a hyperlink base
Change the default for following hyperlinks
About link bars on Web pages
Add link bars
Turn on or off automatic formatting of hyperlinks
Change link bars
Troubleshoot link bars
Movies and Sounds
Insert a movie
Insert a sound
Remove a movie, background sound, or scrolling text from a Web page
Web Scripting
About Web scripts
Create a Web script on a Web page
View or edit a Web script
Copy or move a Web script
Change the default script language
Remove Web scripts from a Web page
Show or hide script anchors on a Web page
Troubleshoot Web scripts
Java Applets
About Java applet support
Copy or move a Java applet
Remove a Java applet from a Web page
About XML documents in Word
Apply or remove XML tags
Show or hide XML tags
Display XML element names
About the Schema Library
Add or remove XML schemas in the Schema Library
Attach or separate an XML schema and a document
Validate XML
Insert XML data
Define a default data view for an XML document
Apply an XSL Transformation
Save an XML document
Set default save options for XML files
Prevent accidental deletion of XML elements
Troubleshoot XML in Word
Browsing and Searching Web Pages
Speed up downloading Web pages by using Vector Markup Language
View your Web start page
Change your Web start page
Change your Web search page
Cancel the display of a Web page or hyperlink
Refresh the display of the active file or Web page
Show only Web toolbar buttons
Research Services
About research services
Add or change research services
Look up words in the dictionary
Look up words in the thesaurus
Research search tips
Reference Encarta Encyclopedia
Translation Services
About translation services
Translate text
Sharing Information
With Other People
About tracked changes and comments
About saving, sending, or editing a document with tracked changes
About displaying tracked changes and comments
Add or change the name used in comments
Track changes while you edit
Turn off change tracking
Review tracked changes and comments
Show or hide the Reviewing Pane
Insert a comment
Modify a comment
Delete a comment
Display changes or comments by type or reviewer
See the date or reviewer name for a tracked change or comment
Show or hide comments or tracked changes
Change the way tracked changes and comments look
Add or remove document protection for comments and tracked changes
Print a document with tracked changes and comments showing
Print a list of changes made to a document
Troubleshoot comments, tracked changes, and compared and merged documents
Comparing and Merging Documents
About comparing and merging documents
Compare and merge documents
Merge comments and changes from several reviewers into one document
Compare documents with the Legal blackline option
Information Rights Management
About Information Rights Management
Create content with restricted permission
View content with restricted permission
Troubleshoot content with restricted permission
Document Protection
Protect a document from unauthorized changes
Allow editing in a protected document
Remove restricted permission from content
Restrict formatting of a document
Add or remove document protection for comments and tracked changes
Sending for Review
About sending a file for review
Respond to a review request
End a review cycle
Troubleshoot sending a file for review
Fax Services
About fax services
Send a fax
Preserve Document Appearance
About preserving a document's original appearance
Turn on or off features introduced in recent versions of Word
Preserve original appearance for viewing or printing
Results of saving Word 2003 documents in other file formats
Working with People Using Different Versions of Word
Strategies for sharing documents with different versions of Word
Using Forms
About printed forms and forms for use in Word
Office programs you can use to create an online or printed form
Create forms that users complete in Word
Create a printed form
Add form fields to a form
Types of text form fields
Add, remove, or change the order of items in a drop-down list
Add Help text to a form
Change the text formatting of a form
Set or edit form field properties
Print the data from a form in Word
Save form data for use in a database or spreadsheet
Show or hide shading in forms
Automate your form
Protect a form
Remove protection from a form
ActiveX controls you can use on a form
Add ActiveX controls to a form
Change properties in an ActiveX control
Register a new ActiveX control
About Web forms
Create a Web form
Form controls you can use on a Web page
Modify the properties of a Web form control
Troubleshoot forms
Online Meetings
About online meetings
Start an unscheduled online meeting
Accept a request for an online meeting
Schedule an online meeting
View a list of participants in an online meeting
Add a participant to an online meeting
Remove a participant from an online meeting
Open Chat in an online meeting
Change a file in an online meeting
End an online meeting
Send a file to participants in an online meeting
Troubleshoot online meetings
Open the Whiteboard in an online meeting
Shared Workspaces
About Document Workspaces
About shared workspaces
Create a Document Workspace
Delete a Document Workspace
Keep a Document Workspace document up to date
Stop being prompted to get updates for a document
Troubleshoot shared workspaces
Web Discussions
Get help about Web Discussions
About Web Discussions
About system requirements for discussions and subscriptions
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Reply to, edit, or delete a discussion comment
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About receiving notification of changes to a file or discussion
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Cancel subscription to a file or discussion
With Other Programs
Working with Microsoft Access
Insert data from Access or other data source
Import a Word text file into Access
More about Office data connection and data retrieval service connection files
More about data sources
Working with Microsoft Excel
Use Microsoft Query to retrieve data from an external data source
Working with Microsoft PowerPoint
Create a PowerPoint presentation from a Word outline
Sending E-Mail Messages and Documents
Troubleshoot sending e-mail messages and documents
Working with Microsoft Outlook
About using Word as your e-mail editor
Create or modify e-mail signatures
Turn Word on or off as your e-mail editor or viewer
Change the default font for e-mail messages
Delete or stop using e-mail signatures
Reduce e-mail message size by filtering HTML
About plain text messages
About Cc and Bcc
Show or hide the Bcc field
Show or hide the From box in a message
Add voting buttons to a message
Use voting buttons
About tracking when messages are delivered or read
Receive notifications when messages are delivered or read
About automatically checking recipient names before sending a message
Turn off automatic name checking and completion
Sending Documents by E-Mail
Send a document in e-mail
Post a file to an Exchange folder
Using Word and WordPerfect
Using WordPerfect and Word
Linking Objects and Embedding Objects
About inserting information by creating a linked object or an embedded object
Insert information by creating a linked object or embedded object
Edit a linked object or an embedded object
Change the appearance of a linked object or embedded object
Control how linked objects are updated
Reconnect a linked object
Update linked objects when you print a document
Troubleshoot linked objects and embedded objects
Convert an embedded object to a file of another source program
Insert an equation
Edit an equation
Troubleshoot Equation Editor
Automating Tasks and Programmability
Smart Tags
About smart tags
Use smart tags
Change smart tag options
Check for new smart tags
Remove smart tags
Troubleshoot smart tags
Smart Documents
About smart documents
Add or delete a smart document XML expansion pack
Change the XML expansion pack attached to a smart document
About macros
Create a macro
Create a macro to automatically display ASK fields
Delete macros
Edit a macro
Pause and restart recording a macro
Run a macro
Rename macros
Copy macros to another document or template
Troubleshoot recording and running macros
Field Types and Switches
Using Fields
About fields
Change a field result to regular text
Display a list of AutoText entries
Edit a field
Format field results
Insert a field
Insert a bookmark field
Lock or unlock a field
Create a dictionary-style page header
Switch between field codes and results
Update fields to show the latest results
Change shaded background of fields
Troubleshoot fields
Field Reference
Fields for use with forms
Embedding PostScript printer commands in a Word document
Examples of IF fields
Field Code - A
Field codes: AddressBlock field
Field codes: Advance field
Field codes: Ask field
Field codes: Author field
Field codes: AutoNum field
Field codes: AutoNumLgl field
Field codes: AutoNumOut field
Field codes: AutoText field
Field codes: AutoTextList field
Field Code - B-E
Field codes: BarCode field
Field codes: Comments field
Field codes: Compare field
Field codes: CreateDate field
Field codes: Database field
Field codes: Date field
Field codes: DocProperty field
Field codes: DocVariable field
Field codes: EditTime field
Field codes: Embed field
Field codes: Eq (Equation) field
Field Code - F-I
Field codes: FileName field
Field codes: FileSize field
Field codes: Fill-in field
Field codes: GoToButton field
Field codes: GreetingLine field
Field codes: Hyperlink field
Field codes: If field
Field codes: IncludePicture field
Field codes: IncludeText field
Field codes: Index field
Field codes: Info field
Field Code - K-M
Field codes: Keywords field
Field codes: LastSavedBy field
Field codes: Link field
Field codes: ListNum field
Field codes: MacroButton field
Field codes: MergeField field
Field codes: MergeRec field
Field codes: MergeSeq field
Field Code - N-Q
Field codes: Next field
Field codes: NextIf field
Field codes: NoteRef field
Field codes: NumChars field
Field codes: NumPages field
Field codes: NumWords field
Field codes: Page field
Field codes: PageRef field
Field codes: Print field
Field codes: PrintDate field
Field codes: Private field
Field codes: Quote field
Field Code - R-S
Field codes: RD (Referenced Document) field
Field codes: Ref field
Field codes: RevNum field
Field codes: SaveDate field
Field codes: Section field
Field codes: SectionPages field
Field codes: Seq (Sequence) field
Field codes: Set field
Field codes: SkipIf field
Field codes: StyleRef field
Field codes: Subject field
Field codes: Symbol field
Field Code - T-X
Field codes: TA (Table of Authorities Entry) field
Field codes: TC (Table of Contents Entry) field
Field codes: Template field
Field codes: Time field
Field codes: Title field
Field codes: TOA (Table of Authorities) field
Field codes: TOC (Table of Contents) field
Field codes: UserAddress field
Field codes: UserInitials field
Field codes: UserName field
Field codes: XE (Index Entry) field
Date-Time Picture (\@) field switch
Field codes: = (Formula) field
Format (\*) field switch
Format switches for text comparisons by IF fields
Lock Result (\!) field switch
Numeric Picture (\#) field switch
Language-Specific Features
Language Setup
About Microsoft Proofing Tools
About the global interface and Microsoft Office Multilingual User Interface Pack
About multilingual features in Office
Change the language format of text
Install system support for multiple languages
Requirements for specific languages
Locale identification numbers for language-specific files
Remove commands and controls for languages you don't use
Change the default country/region
Enable editing of multiple languages
Change the default language setting
Use a keyboard layout for a specific language
Troubleshoot multilingual text
Change the language of the user interface or Help in Office programs
Encoded Text Files and Unicode
Install the universal font for Unicode
About encoded text files
Encoding standards for opening and saving files
Automatically correct the encoding of Chinese and Korean text
Save a file as encoded text
Type Unicode characters by using the keyboard
Troubleshoot encoded text files
Automatic Language Detection
About automatic font switching
About automatic language detection
Automatically detect languages
Automatically switch keyboard languages
Languages Word can detect automatically
Troubleshoot automatic language detection
East Asian
Word features for East Asian languages
Adjust line breaks for East Asian text
Add phonetic guides to text
Apply borders, shading, or scaling to East Asian characters
Change vertical text to horizontal in a vertical East Asian document
Reconvert Japanese, Traditional Chinese, or Simplified Chinese text
Combine East Asian characters
Compress two lines in one for East Asian text
Insert vertical text in a horizontal East Asian document
Set characters and lines per page for East Asian text
Set wordwrap for Latin words in East Asian text
Review a file by using Reconversion
Input Method Editors (IMEs)
About Input Method Editors (IMEs)
About Microsoft Natural Input
Install an Input Method Editor (IME)
Add a word to an Input Method Editor (IME) dictionary
Set the default Input Method Editor (IME)
Simplified Chinese
About creating a Simplified Chinese document
Add words to a Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese custom dictionary
Convert Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese and vice versa
Sort Simplified or Traditional Chinese text
Traditional Chinese
About creating a Traditional Chinese document
Add words to a Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese custom dictionary
Convert Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese and vice versa
Sort Simplified or Traditional Chinese text
About creating a Japanese document
Work in Japanese Genko mode
Use the Japanese Consistency Checker
Add greetings, openings, and closings to Japanese letters or memos
Add emphasis marks to Japanese characters
Switch between hiragana and katakana in Japanese text
Switch between half-width and full-width Japanese characters
Adjust character spacing between Japanese and Latin text or numbers
Search Japanese text
Japanese Input Method Editor options
Register words in a Japanese Input Method Editor dictionary
Using the Extended Formatting toolbar to work with Japanese text
About creating a Korean document
Set Korean spelling options
Add or delete Hanja in a custom dictionary
Convert Hangul to Hanja
Convert Hanja to Hangul
Set Hangul and Hanja conversion options
Look up Hanja in the Hanja dictionary
South Asian
About code page and text layout support for South Asian Web pages
About finding and replacing characters in Indic, South Asian, or right-to-left languages
About macros in South Asian documents
Check the correct sequence of South Asian text
Find and replace special South Asian characters
Select diacritics or ligated characters
Replace invalid South Asian characters automatically
Keyboard shortcuts for South Asian formatting
Specify how dates and numbers appear in South Asian documents
Specify South Asian font characteristics
Delete diacritics, ligatures, and special marks in South Asian text
Word features for South Asian languages
Use diacritics
About creating a Thai document
Justify Thai text
About creating a Vietnamese document
Convert Indic language text files from Unicode to ISCII
About finding and replacing characters in Indic, South Asian, or right-to-left languages
Convert Indic language text files from ISCII to Unicode
About creating an Indic language document
Word features for Indic languages
About code page and text layout support for Indic language Web pages
Specify Indic language font characteristics
Specify how dates and numbers appear in Indic language documents
Check the correct sequence of Indic language text
Replace invalid Indic language characters automatically
About finding and replacing characters in Indic, South Asian, or right-to-left languages
Word features for right-to-left languages
About creating a Farsi, Urdu, or other right-to-left document
Keyboard shortcuts for right-to-left formatting
Create or modify a style for right-to-left text
Change paragraph direction
Select diacritics or ligated characters
Specify spelling options for right-to-left languages
Use control characters for right-to-left text
Use tables in right-to-left documents
Specify how numbers and dates appear in right-to-left documents
Set the gutter location for right-to-left documents
Set insertion point behavior for right-to-left text
Find and replace special right-to-left characters
Insert a right-to-left or left-to-right mark
Specify the direction of sections in right-to-left documents
Specify the view direction for the entire document
Use diacritics
Use complex fonts
About creating an Arabic document
Specify kashida length in Arabic text
About creating a Hebrew document
Add double quotes to Hebrew number formats
About creating a European language document
Word features for European languages
Enforce accented uppercase characters
Turn on or off new German spelling rules
Georgian and Armenian
About creating a Georgian or Armenian document
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