Field codes: Link field

Microsoft Office Word 2003

ClassName "FileName" [PlaceReference ] [Switches ] }

Links information you copied from another application to the original source file using OLE. Microsoft Word inserts this field when you copy information from another application and use the Paste Special command (Edit menu) to paste it into a Word document.

Security  Because field codes can be visible to anyone reading your document, be sure that the information you place in field codes is not information that you want kept private.



The application type of the linked information. For example, for a Microsoft Excel chart, ClassName is "Excel.Chart.8." Word determines this information from the source application.

The name and location of the source file. If the location includes a long file name with spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Replace single backslashes with double backslashes to specify the path, for example:



Identifies the portion of the source file that's being linked. If the source file is a Microsoft Excel workbook, the reference can be a cell reference or a named range. If the source file is a Word document, the reference is a bookmark.



Updates the LINK field automatically; delete this switch to use manual updating.


Inserts the linked object as a bitmap.


Graphic data isn't stored with the document, thus reducing the file size.

Causes the linked object to update its formatting in a particular way, according to one of the following parameters.
This valueSpecifies
0Maintain the formatting of the source file
1Not supported
2Match the formatting of the destination document
3Not supported
4Maintain the formatting of the source file, if the source file is an Excel workbook
5Match the formatting of the destination document, if the source file is an Excel workbook

Inserts the linked object as HTML format text.


Inserts the linked object as a picture.


Inserts the linked object in rich-text format (RTF).


Inserts the linked object in text-only format.


Inserts the linked object as Unicode text.


The following example inserts a range of cells from a Microsoft Excel worksheet. The \a switch ensures that the information is updated in Word whenever the worksheet is changed in Microsoft Excel:

{ LINK Excel.Sheet.8 "C:\\My Documents\\Profits.xls" "Sheet1!R1C1:R4C4" \a \p }