You can turn these AutoCorrect options on or off:
- AutoCorrect Options button
The AutoCorrect Options button first appears as a small, blue box when you rest the mouse pointer near text that was automatically corrected, and it changes to a button icon when you point to it. If you find on occasion that you don't want text to be corrected, you can undo a correction or turn AutoCorrect options on or off by clicking the button and making a selection.
- Capitalization options AutoCorrect can capitalize the first word in a sentence, the names of days of the week, the first letter of text in a table cell, and so on.
- AutoCorrect entries AutoCorrect can use a list of built-in corrections, called AutoCorrect entries, to detect and correct typos, misspelled words, and common symbols. You can easily remove unwanted entries or add your own entries.
- Spelling checker corrections For enhanced spelling correction, AutoCorrect can use corrections that are generated by the spelling checker's main dictionary (in addition to the built-in list of spelling corrections).
Use AutoCorrect to correct errors in another language
To use AutoCorrect in another language, you need to make sure that the language is enabled for editing, and you also need to install Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools for that language.