Display a list of AutoText entries

Microsoft Office Word 2003

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Display a list of AutoText entries

You can display a list of AutoText entries within a document– for example, if you are creating a template for letters, you can provide users with a list of salutations.

  1. On the Insert menu, click Field.
  2. In the Categories box, click Links and References.
  3. In the Field names box, click AutoTextList.
  4. Click Field Codes.
  5. Click after the AUTOTEXTLIST entry in the Field codes box, and in quotation marks, type the text that you want to appear on the screen— for example, "List of salutations".
  6. To specify a style on which to base the list of AutoText entries, type the \s switch, followed by the name of the style— for example, Salutation.

    Using the example of salutations, the field code in the Field codes box would now be:

    AUTOTEXTLIST "List of salutations" \s Salutation

When you rest your mouse pointer on the field and ScreenTips are on, a tip tells you how to display the list of AutoText entries.


If you want to customize the ScreenTip text, do the following:
  1. Click the field, and press SHIFT+F9 to display the field code.
  2. Type the \t switch, followed by the tip text – for example, "Choose a salutation."