Format switches for text comparisons by IF fields
When an IF field compares a data field with the information you specify in the Field dialog box (Insert menu, Field command), the capitalization of text is significant. If you don't know whether text in a data field is in uppercase or lowercase letters, use a format switch to compare the text as though it had the same capitalization pattern you type for Expression2.
In the following example, the (\* Caps) switch instructs Microsoft Word to compare the Country data field as though each word starts with a capital letter. Insert the format switch in the IF field codes, as shown in the example.
{ IF {MERGEFIELD Country \* Caps } <> "United Kingdom" "We offer special rates on travel to the British Isles." " " }
Use the following switches for comparisons:
- \*Upper
- Compare all uppercase letters (UNITED KINGDOM).
- \*Lower
- Compare all lowercase letters (united kingdom).
- \*FirstCap
- Compare first word with an initial capital letter (United kingdom).
- \*Caps
- Compare all words with an initial capital letter (United Kingdom).