Format merged data

Microsoft Office Word 2003

  • In the main document, select the field that contains the information you want to format, including the surrounding merge field characters («« »»).
  • On the Format menu, click a command, such as Font or Paragraph, and then select the options you want.
  • Note  If you're creating envelopes, you can also choose the delivery address font while you're setting options on the Envelope Options tab during the mail merge.

    ShowChange capitalization

    1. In the main document, press ALT+F9 to display field codes.
    2. Immediately following the name of the field (ADDRESSBLOCK, GREETINGLINE, or MERGEFIELD), type a space, and then type one of the following formatting switches:
      \* Caps
      Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
      \* FirstCap
      Capitalizes the first letter of the first word.
      \* Upper
      Capitalizes all letters.
      \* Lower
      Formats all letters as lowercase.
    3. Press ALT+F9 again to hide field codes.

    ShowChange other formatting by using field codes

    To control other aspects of formatting, press ALT+F9 to display field codes in the main document, and then add switches to the merge fields.

    For example:

    • To display the number "34987.89" as "$34,987.89," add a numeric picture switch (\# $#,###.00).
    • To display the number "0945" as "9:45 PM," add the date/time picture switch (\@ "h:mm am/pm").
    • To ensure that the merged information has the same font and point size you apply to the merge field, add the \* MERGEFORMAT switch.