Automatically insert an arrow, face, or other symbol

Microsoft Office Word 2003

Automatically insert an arrow, face, or other symbol

When AutoCorrect is turned on, you can automatically insert symbols that are included in the built-in list of AutoCorrect entries— for example, arrows and faces. Type a predefined AutoCorrect name in the following list and watch Microsoft Word automatically replace it with the appropriate symbol. For example, type --> to insert Right arrow.

Type To insert
(c) Copyright symbol
(r) Registered symbol
(tm) Trademark symbol
:) or :-) Happy face
:| or :-| Straight face
:( or :-( Unhappy face
--> Right arrow
<-- Left arrow
<== Bold left arrow
<=> Double-headed arrow
==> Bold right arrow

Note  If text is not replaced with a symbol, you may need to turn on the AutoCorrect feature. On the Tools menu, click AutoCorrect Options, and then click the AutoCorrect tab. Select the Replace text as you type check box.