Insert XML data

Microsoft Office Word 2003

  1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the data.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Field, and in the Field names box, click IncludeText.
  3. In the Filename or URL box, type the name of the file, including its system path or URL.
  4. Select the Namespace mappings check box, and type a namespace in the format xmlns:variable="namespace". For example, xmlns:a="resume-schema".
  5. If you want to insert only a fragment of data rather than the whole file, select the XPath expression check box, and then type the XPath expression in the box provided. For example, a:Resume/a:Name specifies the Name element in the root element Resume.
  6. If you want to use an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to format the data, select the XSL Transformation check box, and type the name of the file, including its system path or URL.
  7. Click OK.

ShowInsert data by browsing to an XML file

  1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the file.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Insert File.
  3. In the Files of type box, click XML Files.
  4. Browse to the folder where the file is stored, and then click the file.
  5. Click Insert.