Troubleshoot spelling

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

  • If Excel questions a word when it appears with mixed lowercase and capital letters, reenter the word in the custom dictionary in all lowercase letters. Various formats of the word are then recognized.
  • The word may be in a different custom dictionary. Excel can consult only one custom dictionary at a time. When Excel questions a word during a spelling check, make sure the correct custom dictionary is selected in the Add words to box on the Spelling tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu).
  • A custom dictionary might contain a nonprintable character or a misspelled word. Use the Notepad accessory program to open the custom dictionary that you use with Excel. Correct any words and delete any nonprintable characters, which are usually displayed as small boxes, and then save the dictionary in the folder that contains the main spelling dictionary. If you use Microsoft Word or another program to edit a custom dictionary, save the dictionary in Text Only format with a .dic file extension.

ShowThe spelling checker checked only part of my worksheet.

If you've selected a range of cells, Excel checks only the selected range. To check the entire sheet, click any cell, and then repeat the spelling check.

ShowExcel did not change every occurrence of a misspelled word, even though I chose the Change All button.

  • If you close the Spelling dialog box before Excel finishes checking the entire worksheet, errors in the unchecked portion are not corrected.
  • If you've selected a range of cells, Excel checks only the selected range. To check the entire sheet, click any cell, and then repeat the spelling check.

ShowI checked spelling in another language, and now I can't check spelling in the default language.

You can restore your default spelling checker by setting the Dictionary language on the Spelling tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu).