Get a stock quote
- Make sure smart tags are turned on.
- Click AutoCorrect options on the Tools menu.
- Click the Smart Tags tab, and select the Label data with smart tags check box.
- Type a recognized U.S. financial symbol (for example, MSFT) in a cell. Type the symbol in capital letters.
- Click outside of the cell.
- Move your mouse cursor over the purple triangle in the lower-right of the cell, and then click the arrow next to Smart Tag Actions
to see a list of options.
- Click Insert refreshable stock price.
- In the Insert Stock Price dialog box, choose whether to insert the stock price on a new worksheet or in a specific area of your current worksheet.
The data that is returned may fill a large portion of your worksheet.
Note You can also use an add-in to insert a function that retrieves stock quotes and stock data. For more information, see the Microsoft Office Web site.