Correct a #DIV/0! error

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

  • Click the cell that displays the error, click the button that appears  Button image, and then click Trace Error if it appears.
  • Review the possible causes and solutions.
  • Possible causes and solutions

    ShowEntering a formula that contains explicit division by zero (0)— for example, =5/0

    Change the divisor to a number other than zero.

    ShowUsing the cell reference to a blank cell or to a cell that contains zero as a divisor

    Note  If the operand is a cell that is blank, Microsoft Excel interprets the blank as zero.

    • Change the cell reference to another cell.
    • Enter a value other than zero in the cell used as a divisor.
    • Enter the value #N/A into the cell referenced as the divisor, which will change the result of the formula to #N/A from #DIV/0! to denote that the divisor value is not available.
    • Prevent the error value from displaying, using the IF worksheet function. For example, if the formula that creates the error is =A5/B5, use =IF(B5=0,"",A5/B5) instead. The two quotation marks represent an empty text string.

    ShowRunning a macro that uses a function or a formula that returns #DIV/0!

    Make sure the divisor in the function or formula is not zero or blank.