Find text or numbers

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

  • Select the range of cells you want to search.

    If you want to search the entire worksheet, click any cell.

  • On the Edit menu, click Find.
  • In the Find what box, enter the text or numbers you want to search for or choose a recent search from the Find what drop down box.

    Note  You can use wildcard characters in your search criteria.

  • If you want to specify a format for your search, click Format and make your selections in the Find Format dialog box.

    If Format is not available in the Find and Replace dialog box, click Options and then click Format.

  • Click Options to further define your search. For example, you can search for all of the cells that contain the same kind of data, such as formulas.

    In the Within box, you can select Sheet or Workbook to search a worksheet or an entire workbook.

  • Click Find All or Find Next.

    Find All lists every occurrence of the item you are searching for and allows you to make a cell active by selecting a specific occurrence. You can sort the results of a Find All search by clicking a header.

  • Note  To cancel a search in progress, press ESC.


    Another way to find data in a list is to use filters to display only the rows that contain the desired data. For example, in a list that includes international sales data, you can display only domestic sales.