Use custom toolbars from earlier Excel versions
If you have multiple Microsoft Excel versions on your system, or have toolbars you want to use on other systems or share with other users, you can merge those custom toolbars into the current version of Excel.
- On the File menu, click Open.
- In the Files of type box, click Toolbars.
- Open the toolbar file for the version you want.
Your toolbar settings are stored in the following files and locations:
Excel Version File Name Location Excel 2002 Excel.xlb C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel Excel 2000 Excel.xlb C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel Excel 97 username8.xlb Windows folder, unless your administrator specifies a different location Excel 95 If user profiles are turned on, username.xlb; if user profiles are not turned on, Excel5.xlb Windows folder Excel 5 Excel5.xlb Windows folder Excel 4 Excel.xlb Windows folder - If your custom toolbar does not appear, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then select your toolbar.
- If you opened an Excel toolbar file from another system, and you want to save the merged toolbars in the current Excel toolbar file, click Customize on the Tools menu and make at least one change to a merged toolbar (add or remove a button, for example).
- To save the merged toolbars in the current Excel toolbar file, click Exit on the File menu. The next time you run Excel, the merged toolbars will be displayed. If your custom toolbars contain buttons from earlier Excel versions that aren't included in the current version of Excel, these buttons appear as gray boxes. If you click one of these buttons, the Assign Macro dialog box appears.
- If your custom toolbars contain buttons that run macros, you'll also need to copy the macros to any workbooks where you want to use the buttons.
Set the security level to Medium or Low.
- On the Tools menu, click Options.
- Click the Security tab.
- Under Macro Security, click Macro Security.
- Click the Security Level tab, and then select the security level you want to use.
- Open the workbook that contains the module you want to copy and the workbook you want to copy the module to.
- On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
- On the View menu, click Project Explorer
- Drag the module you want to copy to the destination workbook.