- Click the report.
- On the PivotTable toolbar, click Format Report
- Do one of the following:
To apply an indented format, click one of options Report 1 through Report 10. These options both apply formatting and move any column fields in your report to the row area.
To apply a nonindented (crosstabulated) format, click one of options Table 1 through Table 10 or PivotTable Classic, the default format for new reports. Options Table 1 through Table 10 also move the leftmost row field to the column area.
Note To restore the report to its previous layout, click Undo
immediately after applying a new format.
Display subtotals above or below their items
- Double-click the outer row field for which you want to reposition the subtotals.
- If subtotals aren't turned on, click Automatic or Custom.
- Click Layout, and then click Show items in outline form.
- To display subtotals above the subtotaled items, select the Display subtotals at top of group check box.
To display subtotals below the items, clear the check box.
Display or hide blank rows after row field items
- Double-click the outer row field for which you want to add or remove blank rows between items.
- Click Layout.
- To add or remove the blank rows, select or clear the Insert blank line after each item check box.
Note You can apply character and cell formatting to the blank rows, but you can't enter data in them.
Use merged or regular cells for outer row and column items
- Click the report.
- On the PivotTable toolbar, click PivotTable, and then click Table Options.
- To use merged cells for outer row and column items, select the Merge labels check box.
To use regular cells, clear the check box.
Change the data area number format
- Click a cell in the data area.
- On the PivotTable toolbar, click Field Settings
- Click Number.
- In the Category list, click the format category you want.
- Select the options you want for the format, and then click OK twice.
- If the report has more than one data field, repeat these steps for each one.
Change how errors and empty cells are displayed
- Click the report.
- On the PivotTable toolbar, click PivotTable, and then click Table Options.
- Do one or more of the following:
Change error display Select the For error values, show check box under Format options. In the box, type the value you want to display instead of errors. To display errors as blank cells, delete any characters in the box.
Change empty cell display Select the For empty cells, show check box. In the box, type the value you want to display in empty cells. To display blank cells, delete any characters in the box. To display zeros, clear the check box.
Change other character and cell formatting
- Make sure formatting will be preserved if you refresh the report or change its layout: click the report, click PivotTable on the PivotTable toolbar, click Table Options, and then select the Preserve formatting check box.
- Select the part of the PivotTable report you want to format.
If you want formatting applied to all such parts, so that when layout changes display parts not currently onscreen, those parts also have the formatting, click the (All) item in the dropdown lists for any page fields, and then make sure the mouse pointer changes to
before you click the part you're selecting.
- To apply the formatting changes you want, use the buttons on the Formatting toolbar and the commands on the Format menu.
Note Conditional formatting and cell borders aren't preserved when you refresh or change the layout.
Return a report to the default formatting
- Click PivotTable on the PivotTable toolbar.
- Click Table Options.
- Clear the AutoFormat table check box, and then click OK.
- Click Format Report
on the PivotTable toolbar.
- Click the PivotTable Classic format.
Remove all formatting from a report
Click PivotTable on the PivotTable toolbar.
Click Table Options.
Clear the AutoFormat table check box, and then click OK.
Click Format Report
on the PivotTable toolbar.
Click the None format.
Note When you change formatting in a PivotTable report, some formatting may be lost in PivotChart reports based on it.