Microsoft Office Excel 2003

See Also

Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. The distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.



Probability    is a probability corresponding to the normal distribution.


  • If probability is nonnumeric, NORMSINV returns the #VALUE! error value.
  • If probability < 0 or if probability > 1, NORMSINV returns the #NUM! error value.

Given a value for probability, NORMSINV seeks that value z such that NORMSDIST(z) = probability. Thus, precision of NORMSINV depends on precision of NORMSDIST. NORMSINV uses an iterative search technique. If the search has not converged after 100 iterations, the function returns the #N/A error value.


The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.


  1. Create a blank workbook or worksheet.
  2. Select the example in the Help topic. Do not select the row or column headers.

    Selecting an example from Help

    Selecting an example from Help

  3. Press CTRL+C.
  4. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
  5. To switch between viewing the results and viewing the formulas that return the results, press CTRL+` (grave accent), or on the Tools menu, point to Formula Auditing, and then click Formula Auditing Mode.
Formula Description (Result)
=NORMSINV(0.908789) Inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution, with a probability of 0.908789 (1.3333)