About triangle indicators in cells

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

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About triangle indicators in cells

Triangles in the corners of cells in Microsoft Excel indicate formula errors, comments, or smart tag options.

Error indicator in cell

A green triangle in the upper-left corner of a cell indicates an error in the formula in the cell. If you select the cell, Trace Error Button image appears. Click the arrow next to the button for a list of options.

Note  The color of the error checking triangle indicator can be changed by clicking Options on the Tools menu, and then clicking the Error Checking tab.

Comment indicator in cell

A red triangle in the upper-right corner of a cell indicates a comment in the cell. If you rest the mouse cursor over the triangle, you can view the text of the comment.

Smart tag indicator in cell

A purple triangle in the lower-right corner of a cell indicates a smart tag. If you rest the mouse cursor over the triangle, Smart Tag Actions Button image appears. Click the arrow next to the button for a list of smart tag options.