Troubleshoot toolbars and menus

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

The menu might not be expanded    If arrows Icon image appear at the bottom of the menu, the menu item might be available on the expanded menu. Click the arrows, and then click the command you want. You can also double-click the menu to expand it.

There might not be enough room to display all the buttons    If the toolbar is on the same row as another toolbar, there might not be enough room to display all the buttons. Click Toolbar Options Button image, and then click the button you want.

You might have a different language setting    The command or control doesn't appear if you don't have editing enabled for the language that the command or control applies to. You need to enable editing for the language you want to work with.

The Microsoft Office program you're using may not be maximized    Some toolbar buttons may be hidden if your program window is not maximized. Click the Maximize Button image button to enlarge the program window to its fullest extent.

The toolbar button you want to use may be seldom used Some toolbar buttons may be hidden if they are seldom used. Click Customize on the Tools menu, and then click the Commands tab to find the button you want to add to the toolbar.

ShowI created a custom toolbar and shared it with another person, but it looks different on their computer.

The buttons and commands that you share with another person are always available, but whether or not they appear on the short version of the menu, or on the toolbar when there isn't enough room to display all the buttons, depends on the individual menu and toolbar settings for that person.

Microsoft Office stores the commands and buttons you've used frequently and recently as your personal menu and toolbar settings. When the Always show full menus check box is cleared (Toolbar Options arrow Arrow pointing down, Add or Remove buttons, Customize dialog box, Options tab), these personalized settings affect the commands that appear on each menu. Additionally, if there isn't enough room on a toolbar to display all the buttons (such as when you position a toolbar on the same row as another toolbar), personalized settings affect which buttons do appear.

ShowI can't find the Insert Script, Show All Scripts, or Remove All Scripts command.

These commands are not included on the default menus in Microsoft Excel. To use these commands, you must first add them to the Tools menu.