About the phonetic guide function

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

  • Hiragana and Katakana are sorted in the order of the kana syllabary.
  • English letters will be sorted alphabetically. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Numbers are sorted in descending order.
  • No distinction is made between half-pitch and full-pitch English characters and symbols.
  • Other kanji, symbols, and so on, are sorted in the order of their Shift-JIS codes.

ShowThe order of the kana syllabary is as follows

  • Long vowel sounds (Character) are treated as the vowel of the previous syllable. For example, "CharacterCharacterCharacterCharacterCharacterCharacter" is treated as "CharacterCharacterCharacterCharacterCharacterCharacter".
  • Repetition marks ("Character") are treated as the same character as the character preceding the mark. For example, "CharacterCharacterCharacter" is treated as "CharacterCharacterCharacter".
  • Voiced and unvoiced sounds are sorted in the following order: unvoiced sound, voiced-sound, semi-voiced sound.
  • No distinction is made between hiragana, full-pitch katakana, and half-pitch katakana.