About worksheet and workbook protection

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Protecting elements from all users    You can prevent users from inserting, deleting, and formatting rows and columns, from changing the contents of locked cells, and from moving the cursor to cells that are locked or to cells that are unlocked.

By default all cells on a worksheet are locked. Before you protect a worksheet, you can unlock cells where you want users to enter and change data, in two ways. To unlock cells for all users, you can use the Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box. To unlock cells for specific users, you can use the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box. Any ranges that you specify in this dialog box and don't assign a password for are also unlocked for all users. The cells you leave locked become protected only after you protect the worksheet.

Other worksheet features and elements for which you can restrict access for all users include hyperlinks, sorting, AutoFiltering, PivotTable reports, graphic objects, and scenarios. These protections apply to all users and the entire worksheet, not to individual users or data ranges.

For chart sheets, you can protect the contents of the chart from changes, and you can protect any graphic objects on the sheet, such as text boxes, from being changed or deleted. A protected chart sheet continues to be updated whenever the source data for the chart changes.

Giving specific users access to protected ranges    If you have the Windows 2000 operating system, you can allow specific users to edit specific cells or ranges. Users to whom you grant access can edit the cells even if the cells are locked. Your access restrictions take effect only after you protect the worksheet.

The users you specify in the Permissions for range dialog box can automatically edit the range without entering the password. Other users are prompted for the password, and users who enter the password can then edit the range. If a cell belongs to more than one range, users who are authorized to edit any of the ranges can then edit the cell. If a user attempts to edit multiple cells at once and is authorized to edit some but not all of those cells, the user will be prompted to select and edit the cells one by one.

ShowProtecting workbook elements and files

Protecting workbook elements    You can prevent users from adding or deleting worksheets, or displaying hidden worksheets. You can also prevent users from changing the sizes or positions of the windows you set up to display a workbook. These protections apply to the entire workbook.

To hide an entire workbook so that users can't see it but can gain access to contents such as macros, use the Hide command on the Window menu, and then save the hidden workbook.

Protecting a shared workbook    You can protect a shared workbook so that users cannot return it to exclusive use or delete the change history log. If you want to require a password to remove this type of protection, you must apply the protection before you share the workbook. Applying the protection automatically turns on sharing. Unprotecting these features turns off sharing and deletes all of the saved change history.

Alternatively, you can protect the sharing and change history without a password. You can apply this protection when a workbook is already shared, and then unprotecting won't turn off sharing or delete the change history.

Protecting a workbook file from viewing and editing    You can help restrict who can open and use the data in a workbook file by requiring a password to view or save changes to the file. You can set two separate passwords, one that users must enter to open and view the file, and another that users must enter before they can edit and save changes to the file. These passwords apply to the workbook file and are separate from the protection provided by the Protect Workbook dialog box.