Features that are unavailable in shared workbooks

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

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Features that are unavailable in shared workbooks

You can access the following features only if you stop sharing the workbook.

You cannot use shared workbooks on Web servers.

Unavailable feature Alternatives
Create listsNone
Insert or delete blocks of cells You can insert entire rows and columns.
Delete worksheets None
Merge cells or split merged cells None
Add or change conditional formats Existing conditional formats continue to appear as cell values change, but you can't change these formats or redefine the conditions.
Add or change data validation Cells continue to be validated when you type new values, but you can't change existing data validation settings.
Create or change charts or PivotChart reports You can view existing charts and reports.
Insert or change pictures or other objects You can view existing pictures and objects.
Insert or change hyperlinks Existing hyperlinks continue to work.
Use drawing tools You can view existing drawings and graphics.
Assign, change, or remove passwords Existing passwords remain in effect.
Protect or unprotect worksheets or the workbook Existing protection remains in effect.
Create, change, or view scenarios None
Group or outline data You can continue to use existing outlines.
Insert automatic subtotals You can view existing subtotals.
Create data tables You can view existing data tables.
Create or change PivotTable reports You can view existing reports.
Write, record, change, view, or assign macros You can run existing macros that don't access unavailable features. You can record shared workbook operations into a macro stored in another nonshared workbook.
Add or change Microsoft Excel 4 dialog sheets None
Change or delete array formulas Existing array formulas continue to calculate correctly.