Microsoft Office Excel 2003

See Also

Returns the matrix determinant of an array.



Array    is a numeric array with an equal number of rows and columns.


  • Array can be given as a cell range, for example, A1:C3; as an array constant, such as {1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9}; or as a name to either of these.

  • If any cells in array are empty or contain text, MDETERM returns the #VALUE! error value.

  • MDETERM also returns #VALUE! if array does not have an equal number of rows and columns.

  • The matrix determinant is a number derived from the values in array. For a three-row, three-column array, A1:C3, the determinant is defined as:

    MDETERM(A1:C3) equals
    A1*(B2*C3-B3*C2) + A2*(B3*C1-B1*C3) + A3*(B1*C2-B2*C1)

  • Matrix determinants are generally used for solving systems of mathematical equations that involve several variables.
  • MDETERM is calculated with an accuracy of approximately 16 digits, which may lead to a small numeric error when the calculation is not complete. For example, the determinant of a singular matrix may differ from zero by 1E-16.


The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank worksheet.

Show How?

  1. Create a blank workbook or worksheet.
  2. Select the example in the Help topic. Do not select the row or column headers.

    Selecting an example from Help

    Selecting an example from Help

  3. Press CTRL+C.
  4. In the worksheet, select cell A1, and press CTRL+V.
  5. To switch between viewing the results and viewing the formulas that return the results, press CTRL+` (grave accent), or on the Tools menu, point to Formula Auditing, and then click Formula Auditing Mode.
Data Data Data Data
1 3 8 5
1 3 6 1
1 1 1 0
7 3 10 2
Formula Description (Result)
=MDETERM(A2:D5) Determinant of the matrix above (88)
=MDETERM({3,6,1;1,1,0;3,10,2}) Determinant of the matrix as an array constant (1)
=MDETERM({3,6;1,1}) Determinant of the matrix in the array constant (-3)
=MDETERM({1,3,8,5;1,3,6,1}) Returns an error because the array does not have an equal number of rows and columns (#VALUE!)