Scroll through a worksheet

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

To scroll Do this One row up or down Click the arrows in the vertical scroll bar. One column left or right Click the arrows in the horizontal scroll bar. One window up or down Click above or below the scroll box in the vertical scroll bar. One window left or right Click to the left or right of the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar. A large distance Drag the scroll box to the approximate relative position. In a very large worksheet, hold down SHIFT while dragging.

Note  The size of a scroll box indicates the proportional amount of the used area of the sheet that is visible in the window. The position of a scroll box indicates the relative location of the visible area within the worksheet.

ShowScroll and zoom with the mouse

You can move around and zoom on your worksheet or chart sheet by using the Microsoft IntelliMouse pointing device. For information about changing options and viewing troubleshooting tips for the Microsoft IntelliMouse, see the IntelliPoint Online User's Guide. (Click the Microsoft Windows Start button, point to Programs, and then point to Microsoft Input Devices.)

To Do this
Scroll up or down a few rows at a time Rotate the wheel forward or back.
Pan through a worksheet Hold down the wheel button, and drag the pointer away from the origin mark origin mark in the direction you want to scroll. To speed up scrolling, drag away from the origin mark; to slow down scrolling, drag toward the origin mark.
Pan through a worksheet automatically Click the wheel button, and then move the mouse in the direction you want to scroll. To speed up scrolling, drag away from the origin mark; to slow down scrolling, drag toward the origin mark. To stop automatic scrolling, click any mouse button.
Zoom in or out Hold down CTRL, and then rotate the IntelliMouse wheel forward or back.
Show detail in outlines Point to a cell that summarizes data in the outline, hold down SHIFT, and then roll the wheel forward.
Hide detail in outlines Point to any cell that contains detail data, hold down SHIFT, and then roll the wheel back.


If you use the Microsoft IntelliMouse pointing device to zoom more often than you use it to scroll on a sheet, you can set the wheel button to zoom instead of scroll. On the Tools menu, click Options, click the General tab, and then select the Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse check box.