Refer to the same cell or range on multiple sheets

Microsoft Office Excel 2003

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Refer to the same cell or range on multiple sheets

A reference that refers to the same cell or range on multiple sheets is called a 3-D reference.

  1. Click the cell where you want to enter the function.
  2. Type = (equal sign), enter the name of the function, and then type an opening parenthesis.

    ShowFunctions that can be used in a 3-D reference

    SUM - adds numbers

    AVERAGE - calculates average (arithmetic mean) of numbers

    AVERAGEA - calculates average (arithmetic mean) of numbers; includes text and logicals

    COUNT - counts cells that contain numbers

    COUNTA - counts cells that are not empty

    MAX - finds largest value in a set of values

    MAXA - finds largest value in a set of values; includes text and logicals

    MIN - finds smallest value in a set of values

    MINA - finds smallest value in a set of values; includes text and logicals

    PRODUCT - multiplies numbers

    STDEV - calculates standard deviation based on a sample

    STDEVA - calculates standard deviation based on a sample; includes text and logicals

    STDEVP - calculates standard deviation of an entire population

    STDEVPA - calculates standard deviation of an entire population; includes text and logicals

    VAR - estimates variance based on a sample

    VARA - estimates variance based on a sample; includes text and logicals

    VARP - calculates variance for an entire population

    VARPA - calculates variance for an entire population; includes text and logicals

  3. Click the tab for the first worksheet to be referenced.
  4. Hold down SHIFT and click the tab for the last worksheet to be referenced.
  5. Select the cell or range of cells to be referenced.
  6. Complete the formula, and press ENTER.