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Material Class Reference
A material in Torque 3D is a data structure that describes a surface. More...

Public Attributes | |
int | alphaRef |
The alpha reference value for alpha testing. Must be between 0 to 255. | |
bool | alphaTest |
Enables alpha test when rendering the material. | |
MaterialAnimType | animFlags [4] |
The types of animation to play on this material. | |
filename | baseTex [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
bool | bumpAtlas [4] |
filename | bumpTex [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
bool | castShadows |
If set to false the lighting system will not cast shadows from this material. | |
Point2I | cellIndex [4] |
Point2I | cellLayout [4] |
int | cellSize [4] |
ColorF | colorMultiply [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
string | cubemap |
The name of a CubemapData for environment mapping. | |
filename | detailMap [4] |
A typically greyscale detail texture additively blended into the material. | |
filename | detailNormalMap [4] |
A second normal map texture applied at the detail scale. You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel specular highlights are disabled. | |
float | detailNormalMapStrength [4] |
Used to scale the strength of the detail normal map when blended with the base normal map. | |
Point2F | detailScale [4] |
The scale factor for the detail map. | |
filename | detailTex [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
ColorF | diffuseColor [4] |
This color is multiplied against the diffuse texture color. If no diffuse texture is present this is the material color. | |
filename | diffuseMap [4] |
The diffuse color texture map. | |
bool | doubleSided |
Disables backface culling casing surfaces to be double sided. Note that the lighting on the backside will be a mirror of the front side of the surface. | |
void | dumpInstances |
Dumps a formatted list of the currently allocated material instances for this material to the console. | |
bool | dynamicCubemap |
Enables the material to use the dynamic cubemap from the ShapeBase object its applied to. | |
bool | emissive [4] |
Enables emissive lighting for the material. | |
filename | envMap [4] |
The name of an environment map cube map to apply to this material. | |
filename | envTex [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
void | flush |
Flushes all material instances that use this material. | |
string | getAnimFlags |
string | getFilename |
Get filename of material. | |
bool | glow [4] |
Enables rendering this material to the glow buffer. | |
bool | isAutoGenerated |
Returns true if this Material was automatically generated by MaterialList::mapMaterials(). | |
filename | lightMap [4] |
The lightmap texture used with pureLight. | |
string | mapTo |
Used to map this material to the material name used by TSShape. | |
float | minnaertConstant [4] |
The Minnaert shading constant value. Must be greater than 0 to enable the effect. | |
filename | normalMap [4] |
The normal map texture. You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel specular highlights are disabled, or a specular map is in use. | |
filename | overlayMap [4] |
A secondary diffuse color texture map which will use the second texcoord of a mesh. | |
filename | overlayTex [4] |
For backwards compatibility. | |
float | parallaxScale [4] |
Enables parallax mapping and defines the scale factor for the parallax effect. Typically this value is less than 0.4 else the effect breaks down. | |
bool | pixelSpecular [4] |
This enables per-pixel specular highlights controlled by the alpha channel of the normal map texture. Note that if pixel specular is enabled the DXTnm format will not work with your normal map, unless you are also using a specular map. | |
bool | planarReflection |
void | reload |
Reloads all material instances that use this material. | |
Point2F | rotPivotOffset [4] |
The piviot position in UV coordinates to center the rotation animation. | |
float | rotSpeed [4] |
The speed to rotate the texture in degrees per second when rotation animation is enabled. | |
Point2F | scrollDir [4] |
The scroll direction in UV space when scroll animation is enabled. | |
float | scrollSpeed [4] |
The speed to scroll the texture in UVs per second when scroll animation is enabled. | |
float | sequenceFramePerSec [4] |
The number of frames per second for frame based sequence animations if greater than zero. | |
float | sequenceSegmentSize [4] |
The size of each frame in UV units for sequence animations. | |
void | setAutoGenerated |
setAutoGenerated(bool isAutoGenerated): Set whether or not the Material is autogenerated. | |
ColorF | specular [4] |
The color of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap. | |
filename | specularMap [4] |
The specular map texture. The RGB channels of this texture provide a per-pixel replacement for the 'specular' parameter on the material. If this texture contains alpha information, the alpha channel of the texture will be used as the gloss map. This provides a per-pixel replacement for the 'specularPower' on the material. | |
float | specularPower [4] |
The intensity of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap. | |
bool | subSurface [4] |
Enables the subsurface scattering approximation. | |
ColorF | subSurfaceColor [4] |
The color used for the subsurface scattering approximation. | |
float | subSurfaceRolloff [4] |
The 0 to 1 rolloff factor used in the subsurface scattering approximation. | |
filename | toneMap [4] |
The tonemap texture used with pureLight. | |
bool | translucent |
If true this material is translucent blended. | |
MaterialBlendOp | translucentBlendOp |
The type of blend operation to use when the material is translucent. | |
bool | translucentZWrite |
If enabled and the material is translucent it will write into the depth buffer. | |
bool | useAnisotropic [4] |
Use anisotropic filtering for the textures of this stage. | |
bool | vertColor [4] |
If enabled, vertex colors are premultiplied with diffuse colors. | |
bool | vertLit [4] |
If true the vertex color is used for lighting. | |
float | waveAmp [4] |
The wave amplitude when wave animation is enabled. | |
float | waveFreq [4] |
The wave frequency when wave animation is enabled. | |
MaterialWaveType | waveType [4] |
The type of wave animation to perform when wave animation is enabled. | |
Behavioral | |
SFXTrack | customFootstepSound |
The sound to play when the player walks over the material. If this is set, it overrides footstepSoundId. This field is useful for directly assigning custom footstep sounds to materials without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment. | |
SFXTrack | customImpactSound |
The sound to play when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed. If this is set, it overrides impactSoundId. This field is useful for directly assigning custom impact sounds to materials without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment. | |
ColorF | effectColor [2] |
If showDust is true, this is the set of colors to use for the ParticleData of the dust emitter. | |
int | footstepSoundId |
What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player walks over the material. -1 (default) to not play any sound. | |
int | impactSoundId |
What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed. | |
bool | showDust |
Whether to emit dust particles from a shape moving over the material. This is, for example, used by vehicles or players to decide whether to show dust trails. | |
bool | showFootprints |
Whether to show player footprint decals on this material. |
Detailed Description
A material in Torque 3D is a data structure that describes a surface.
It contains many different types of information for rendering properties. Torque 3D generates shaders from Material definitions. The shaders are compiled at runtime and output into the example/shaders directory. Any errors or warnings generated from compiling the procedurally generated shaders are output to the console as well as the output window in the Visual C IDE.
- Example:
singleton Material(DECAL_scorch) { baseTex[0] = "./scorch_decal.png"; vertColor[ 0 ] = true; translucent = true; translucentBlendOp = None; translucentZWrite = true; alphaTest = true; alphaRef = 84; };
- See also:
- Rendering
- ShaderData
Member Data Documentation
The alpha reference value for alpha testing. Must be between 0 to 255.
- See also:
- alphaTest
bool Material::alphaTest |
Enables alpha test when rendering the material.
- See also:
- alphaRef
The types of animation to play on this material.
filename Material::baseTex[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- diffuseMap
bool Material::bumpAtlas[4] |
filename Material::bumpTex[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- normalMap
If set to false the lighting system will not cast shadows from this material.
Point2I Material::cellIndex[4] |
Point2I Material::cellLayout[4] |
int Material::cellSize[4] |
ColorF Material::colorMultiply[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- diffuseColor
string Material::cubemap |
The name of a CubemapData for environment mapping.
The sound to play when the player walks over the material. If this is set, it overrides footstepSoundId. This field is useful for directly assigning custom footstep sounds to materials without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment.
Be aware that materials are client-side objects. This means that the SFXTracks assigned to materials must be client-side, too.
The sound to play when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed. If this is set, it overrides impactSoundId. This field is useful for directly assigning custom impact sounds to materials without having to rely on the PlayerData sound assignment.
Be aware that materials are client-side objects. This means that the SFXTracks assigned to materials must be client-side, too.
filename Material::detailMap[4] |
A typically greyscale detail texture additively blended into the material.
filename Material::detailNormalMap[4] |
A second normal map texture applied at the detail scale. You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel specular highlights are disabled.
float Material::detailNormalMapStrength[4] |
Used to scale the strength of the detail normal map when blended with the base normal map.
Point2F Material::detailScale[4] |
The scale factor for the detail map.
filename Material::detailTex[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- detailMap
ColorF Material::diffuseColor[4] |
This color is multiplied against the diffuse texture color. If no diffuse texture is present this is the material color.
filename Material::diffuseMap[4] |
The diffuse color texture map.
Disables backface culling casing surfaces to be double sided. Note that the lighting on the backside will be a mirror of the front side of the surface.
Dumps a formatted list of the currently allocated material instances for this material to the console.
Enables the material to use the dynamic cubemap from the ShapeBase object its applied to.
ColorF Material::effectColor[2] |
If showDust is true, this is the set of colors to use for the ParticleData of the dust emitter.
- See also:
- ParticleData::colors
bool Material::emissive[4] |
Enables emissive lighting for the material.
filename Material::envMap[4] |
The name of an environment map cube map to apply to this material.
filename Material::envTex[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- envMap
void Material::flush |
Flushes all material instances that use this material.
What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player walks over the material. -1 (default) to not play any sound.
The IDs are:
- 0: PlayerData::FootSoftSound
- 1: PlayerData::FootHardSound
- 2: PlayerData::FootMetalSound
- 3: PlayerData::FootSnowSound
- 4: PlayerData::FootShallowSound
- 5: PlayerData::FootWadingSound
- 6: PlayerData::FootUnderwaterSound
- 7: PlayerData::FootBubblesSound
- 8: PlayerData::movingBubblesSound
- 9: PlayerData::waterBreathSound
- 10: PlayerData::impactSoftSound
- 11: PlayerData::impactHardSound
- 12: PlayerData::impactMetalSound
- 13: PlayerData::impactSnowSound
- 14: PlayerData::impactWaterEasy
- 15: PlayerData::impactWaterMedium
- 16: PlayerData::impactWaterHard
- 17: PlayerData::exitingWater
string Material::getAnimFlags |
string Material::getFilename |
Get filename of material.
bool Material::glow[4] |
Enables rendering this material to the glow buffer.
What sound to play from the PlayerData sound list when the player impacts on the surface with a velocity equal or greater than PlayerData::groundImpactMinSpeed.
For a list of IDs, see footstepSoundId
Returns true if this Material was automatically generated by MaterialList::mapMaterials().
filename Material::lightMap[4] |
The lightmap texture used with pureLight.
string Material::mapTo |
Used to map this material to the material name used by TSShape.
float Material::minnaertConstant[4] |
The Minnaert shading constant value. Must be greater than 0 to enable the effect.
filename Material::normalMap[4] |
The normal map texture. You can use the DXTnm format only when per-pixel specular highlights are disabled, or a specular map is in use.
filename Material::overlayMap[4] |
A secondary diffuse color texture map which will use the second texcoord of a mesh.
filename Material::overlayTex[4] |
For backwards compatibility.
- See also:
- overlayMap
float Material::parallaxScale[4] |
Enables parallax mapping and defines the scale factor for the parallax effect. Typically this value is less than 0.4 else the effect breaks down.
bool Material::pixelSpecular[4] |
This enables per-pixel specular highlights controlled by the alpha channel of the normal map texture. Note that if pixel specular is enabled the DXTnm format will not work with your normal map, unless you are also using a specular map.
void Material::reload |
Reloads all material instances that use this material.
Point2F Material::rotPivotOffset[4] |
The piviot position in UV coordinates to center the rotation animation.
float Material::rotSpeed[4] |
The speed to rotate the texture in degrees per second when rotation animation is enabled.
Point2F Material::scrollDir[4] |
The scroll direction in UV space when scroll animation is enabled.
float Material::scrollSpeed[4] |
The speed to scroll the texture in UVs per second when scroll animation is enabled.
float Material::sequenceFramePerSec[4] |
The number of frames per second for frame based sequence animations if greater than zero.
float Material::sequenceSegmentSize[4] |
The size of each frame in UV units for sequence animations.
setAutoGenerated(bool isAutoGenerated): Set whether or not the Material is autogenerated.
bool Material::showDust |
Whether to emit dust particles from a shape moving over the material. This is, for example, used by vehicles or players to decide whether to show dust trails.
Whether to show player footprint decals on this material.
- See also:
- PlayerData::decalData
ColorF Material::specular[4] |
The color of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap.
filename Material::specularMap[4] |
The specular map texture. The RGB channels of this texture provide a per-pixel replacement for the 'specular' parameter on the material. If this texture contains alpha information, the alpha channel of the texture will be used as the gloss map. This provides a per-pixel replacement for the 'specularPower' on the material.
float Material::specularPower[4] |
The intensity of the specular highlight when not using a specularMap.
bool Material::subSurface[4] |
Enables the subsurface scattering approximation.
ColorF Material::subSurfaceColor[4] |
The color used for the subsurface scattering approximation.
float Material::subSurfaceRolloff[4] |
The 0 to 1 rolloff factor used in the subsurface scattering approximation.
filename Material::toneMap[4] |
The tonemap texture used with pureLight.
If true this material is translucent blended.
The type of blend operation to use when the material is translucent.
If enabled and the material is translucent it will write into the depth buffer.
bool Material::useAnisotropic[4] |
Use anisotropic filtering for the textures of this stage.
bool Material::vertColor[4] |
If enabled, vertex colors are premultiplied with diffuse colors.
bool Material::vertLit[4] |
If true the vertex color is used for lighting.
float Material::waveAmp[4] |
The wave amplitude when wave animation is enabled.
float Material::waveFreq[4] |
The wave frequency when wave animation is enabled.
The type of wave animation to perform when wave animation is enabled.