Torque 3D - Script Manual: Script Editors


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Script Editors

TorqueScript files are essentially text files. This means you have several editors to choose from. Some users prefer to use the stock OS text editors: Notepad on Windows or Text Edit on OS X. Others will use their programming IDEs (Interactive Development Environments), such as Visual Studio for Windows or Xcode on OS X. Third party applications are the most popular choice:

On Windows


  • Torsion - Torsion is undeniably the best TorqueScript IDE. It was developed by Torque veterans Sickhead Games. If you are developing on Windows, this is the first thing you should purchase after Torque 3D. No other editor offers this level of quality and functionality:
    • Integrated "One Click" script debugging
    • Full control over script execution via step and break commands
    • Advanced editor features like code folding, line wrapping, auto-indent, column marker, automatic bracket matching, and visible display of tabs and spaces
    • Goto line and text searching
    • ScriptSense updated dynamically as you type
    • Customizable syntax highlighting for TorqueScript
    • Unlimited undo/redo buffer
    • Code browser window for exploring both engine exports and script symbols in your project


  • Notepad++ - This is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages.
  • UltraEdit - UltraEdit is a powerful disk-based text editor, programmer's editor, and hex editor that is used to edit TorqueScript, HTML, PHP, javascript, Perl, C/C++, and a multitude of other coding/programming languages.



  • Xcode - Xcode is Apple's premiere development environment for Mac OS X. If you plan on modifying Torque 3D's source code, you will need this anyway. Most developers at GarageGames use Xcode to modify their scripts on a Mac.
  • Text Edit - This is the OS X default text editor. With no bells or whistles, this is not the best editor you can use on OS X, but it is free and ships with the OS.


  • TIDE - Torque Integrated Development Environment (TIDE) is a free, cross-platform IDE for Torque Game Engine scripting by Paul Dana and Stefan Moises. It is implemented in Java as a "plugin suite" for the jEdit text editor and contains plugins for syntax highlighting, function browsing, script debugging, etc.
  • Smultron - Smultron is a text editor written in Cocoa for Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 which is designed to be both easy to use and powerful.

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