Torque 3D - Script Manual: SpotLight Class Reference


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SpotLight Class Reference

Lighting object which emits conical light in a direction. More...

Inheritance diagram for SpotLight:

List of all members.

Public Attributes


float innerAngle
float outerAngle
float range

Static Public Attributes

static bool isRenderable
 Disables rendering of all instances of this type.
static bool isSelectable
 Disables selection of all instances of this type.

Detailed Description

Lighting object which emits conical light in a direction.

SpotLight is one of the two types of lighting objects that can be added to a Torque 3D level, the other being PointLight. Unlike directional or point lights, the SpotLights emits lighting in a specific direction within a cone. The distance of the cone is controlled by the SpotLight::range variable.

// Declaration of a point light in script, or created by World Editor
new SpotLight(SampleSpotLight)
   range = "10";
   innerAngle = "40";
   outerAngle = "45";
   isEnabled = "1";
   color = "1 1 1 1";
   brightness = "1";
   castShadows = "0";
   priority = "1";
   animate = "1";
   animationPeriod = "1";
   animationPhase = "1";
   flareType = "LightFlareExample0";
   flareScale = "1";
   attenuationRatio = "0 1 1";
   shadowType = "Spot";
   texSize = "512";
   overDarkFactor = "2000 1000 500 100";
   shadowDistance = "400";
   shadowSoftness = "0.15";
   numSplits = "1";
   logWeight = "0.91";
   fadeStartDistance = "0";
   lastSplitTerrainOnly = "0";
   representedInLightmap = "0";
   shadowDarkenColor = "0 0 0 -1";
   includeLightmappedGeometryInShadow = "0";
   position = "-29.4362 -5.86289 5.58602";
   rotation = "1 0 0 0";
See also:

Member Data Documentation

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