Torque 3D - Script Manual: ExplosionData Class Reference


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ExplosionData Class Reference
[Special Effects]

Defines the attributes of an Explosion: particleEmitters, debris, lighting and camera shake effects. More...

Inheritance diagram for ExplosionData:

List of all members.

Public Attributes

Point3F camShakeAmp
 Amplitude of camera shaking, defined in the "X Y Z" axes.
float camShakeDuration
 Duration (in seconds) to shake the camera.
float camShakeFalloff
 Falloff value for the camera shake.
Point3F camShakeFreq
 Frequency of camera shaking, defined in the "X Y Z" axes.
float camShakeRadius
 Radial distance that a camera's position must be within relative to the center of the explosion to be shaken.
DebrisData Debris
 List of DebrisData objects to spawn with this explosion.
int debrisNum
 Number of debris objects to create.
int debrisNumVariance
 Variance in the number of debris objects to create (must be from 0 - debrisNum).
float debrisPhiMax
 Maximum reference angle, from the vertical plane, to eject debris from.
float debrisPhiMin
 Minimum reference angle, from the vertical plane, to eject debris from.
float debrisThetaMax
 Maximum angle, from the horizontal plane, to eject debris from.
float debrisThetaMin
 Minimum angle, from the horizontal plane, to eject debris from.
float debrisVelocity
 Velocity to toss debris at.
float debrisVelocityVariance
 Variance in the debris initial velocity (must be >= 0).
int delayMS
 Amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay the start of the explosion effect from the creation of the Explosion object.
int delayVariance
 Variance, in milliseconds, of delayMS.
ParticleEmitterData emitter [4]
 List of additional ParticleEmitterData objects to spawn with this explosion.
Point3F explosionScale
 "X Y Z" scale factor applied to the explosionShape model at the start of the explosion.
filename explosionShape
 Optional DTS or DAE shape to place at the center of the explosion.
bool faceViewer
 Controls whether the visual effects of the explosion always face the camera.
int lifetimeMS
 Lifetime, in milliseconds, of the Explosion object.
int lifetimeVariance
 Variance, in milliseconds, of the lifetimeMS of the Explosion object.
float lightEndBrightness
 Final brightness of the PointLight created by this explosion.
ColorF lightEndColor
 Final color of the PointLight created by this explosion.
float lightEndRadius
 Final radius of the PointLight created by this explosion.
float lightNormalOffset
 Distance (in the explosion normal direction) of the PointLight position from the explosion center.
float lightStartBrightness
 Initial brightness of the PointLight created by this explosion.
ColorF lightStartColor
 Initial color of the PointLight created by this explosion.
float lightStartRadius
 Initial radius of the PointLight created by this explosion.
float offset
 Offset distance (in a random direction) of the center of the explosion from the Explosion object position.
int particleDensity
 Density of the particle cloud created at the start of the explosion.
ParticleEmitterData ParticleEmitter
 Emitter used to generate a cloud of particles at the start of the explosion.
float particleRadius
 Radial distance from the explosion center at which cloud particles are emitted.
float playSpeed
 Time scale at which to play the explosionShape ambient sequence.
bool shakeCamera
 Controls whether the camera shakes during this explosion.
Point3F sizes [4]
 "X Y Z" size keyframes used to scale the explosionShape model.
SFXTrack soundProfile
 Non-looping sound effect that will be played at the start of the explosion.
ExplosionData subExplosion [5]
 List of additional ExplosionData objects to create at the start of the explosion.
float times [4]
 Time keyframes used to scale the explosionShape model.

Detailed Description

Defines the attributes of an Explosion: particleEmitters, debris, lighting and camera shake effects.

Member Data Documentation

Amplitude of camera shaking, defined in the "X Y Z" axes.

Set any value to 0 to disable shaking in that axis.

Duration (in seconds) to shake the camera.

Falloff value for the camera shake.

Frequency of camera shaking, defined in the "X Y Z" axes.

Radial distance that a camera's position must be within relative to the center of the explosion to be shaken.

List of DebrisData objects to spawn with this explosion.

Number of debris objects to create.

Variance in the number of debris objects to create (must be from 0 - debrisNum).

Maximum reference angle, from the vertical plane, to eject debris from.

Minimum reference angle, from the vertical plane, to eject debris from.

Maximum angle, from the horizontal plane, to eject debris from.

Minimum angle, from the horizontal plane, to eject debris from.

Velocity to toss debris at.

Variance in the debris initial velocity (must be >= 0).

Amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay the start of the explosion effect from the creation of the Explosion object.

Variance, in milliseconds, of delayMS.

List of additional ParticleEmitterData objects to spawn with this explosion.

See also:

"X Y Z" scale factor applied to the explosionShape model at the start of the explosion.

Optional DTS or DAE shape to place at the center of the explosion.

The ambient animation of this model will be played automatically at the start of the explosion.

Controls whether the visual effects of the explosion always face the camera.

Lifetime, in milliseconds, of the Explosion object.

If explosionShape is defined and contains an ambient animation, this field is ignored, and the playSpeed scaled duration of the animation is used instead.

Variance, in milliseconds, of the lifetimeMS of the Explosion object.

Final brightness of the PointLight created by this explosion.

See also:

Final color of the PointLight created by this explosion.

See also:

Final radius of the PointLight created by this explosion.

See also:

Distance (in the explosion normal direction) of the PointLight position from the explosion center.

Initial brightness of the PointLight created by this explosion.

Brightness is linearly interpolated from lightStartBrightness to lightEndBrightness over the lifetime of the explosion.

See also:

Initial color of the PointLight created by this explosion.

Color is linearly interpolated from lightStartColor to lightEndColor over the lifetime of the explosion.

See also:

Initial radius of the PointLight created by this explosion.

Radius is linearly interpolated from lightStartRadius to lightEndRadius over the lifetime of the explosion.

See also:

Offset distance (in a random direction) of the center of the explosion from the Explosion object position.

Most often used to create some variance in position for subExplosion effects.

Density of the particle cloud created at the start of the explosion.

See also:

Emitter used to generate a cloud of particles at the start of the explosion.

Explosions can generate two different particle effects. The first is a single burst of particles at the start of the explosion emitted in a spherical cloud using particleEmitter.

The second effect spawns the list of ParticleEmitters given by the emitter[] field. These emitters generate particles in the normal way throughout the lifetime of the explosion.

Radial distance from the explosion center at which cloud particles are emitted.

See also:

Time scale at which to play the explosionShape ambient sequence.

Controls whether the camera shakes during this explosion.

"X Y Z" size keyframes used to scale the explosionShape model.

The explosionShape (if defined) will be scaled using the times/sizes keyframes over the lifetime of the explosion.

See also:

Non-looping sound effect that will be played at the start of the explosion.

List of additional ExplosionData objects to create at the start of the explosion.

Time keyframes used to scale the explosionShape model.

Values should be in increasing order from 0.0 - 1.0, and correspond to the life of the Explosion where 0 is the beginning and 1 is the end of the explosion lifetime.

See also:

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