Torque 3D - Script Manual: Operations


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Operators in TorqueScript behave very similarly to operators in real world math and other programming languages. You should recognize quite a few of these from math classes you took in school, but with small syntactical changes. The rest of this section will explain the syntax and show a brief example, but we will cover these in depth in later guides.

Arithmetic Operations

Basic math operations are supported using a syntax clear to everyone. TorqueScript supports multiplication, division, modulo, addition, and subtraction. Additionally, standard auto-increment and auto-decrement operations are available:


// Multiplication
%product = 3*4; // results in 12

// Division
%quotient = 4/2; // results in 2

// Modulo
%mod = 5%2; // results in 1

// Addition
%sum = 3+4; // results in 7

// Subtraction
%difference = 4-3; // results in 1

// Auto-increment
%value = 3;
%incr = %value++; // results in 4;

%value = 3;
%decre = %value--; // results in 2;

See also:
Full Reference

Relational Operations

Relational operators are used for comparing values and variables against each other. Again, the syntax for these operatations closely resemble real world math. The value returned from a comparison will always be true(1) or false(0).


// Greater than
if(4 > 3)
   echo("True. 3 is not greater than 4");

// Greater than or equal to
if(3 >= 3)
   echo("True. 3 is equal to or greater than 3");

// Equal to
if(6 == 6);
   echo("True. 6 is exactly equal to 6");
// Not equal to
if(3 != 5)
   echo("True. 3 is not equal to 5");

See also:
Full Reference

Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations are used for comparing and shifting the bits of a value.


// Bitwise NOT/complement. Unary operation that flips bits.
%value = 101;
%bitValue = ~%value; // results in 101 becoming 010

// Bitwise AND. When applied to two binary values, resulting bits are 1 if original pairs were 1
%valueOne = 0101;
%valueTwo = 0011;
%bitValue = %valueOne&%valueTwo; // Results in 0001

See also:
Full Reference

Assignment Operations

Assignment operators are used for setting the value of a variable. You should recognize it as the "equals" sign.


%val = 3; // Assigns the value of 3 to the %val variable

%val = 3+4; // Assigns the value of 3+4 to the %val variable

%val += 3; // Assigns the %val variable the value of 3 plus itself

See also:
Full Reference

String Operations

There are special values you can use to concatenate strings and variables. Concatenation refers to the joining of multiple values into a single variable. The following is the basic syntax:

 "string 1" operation "string 2"

You can use string operators similarly to how you use mathematical operators (=, +, -, *). You have four operators at your disposal: @ NL TAB SPC. For example, the @ symbol will concatenate two strings together exactly how you specify, without adding any additional whitespace.


%newString = "Hello" @ "World";

// OUPUT: HelloWorld

See also:
Full Reference

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