Torque 3D - Script Manual: TerrainMaterial Class Reference


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TerrainMaterial Class Reference

The TerrainMaterial class orginizes the material settings for a single terrain material layer. More...

Inheritance diagram for TerrainMaterial:

List of all members.

Public Attributes

float detailDistance
 Changes how far camera can see the detail map rendering on the material.
filename detailMap
 Detail map for the material.
float detailSize
 Used to scale the detail map to the material square.
float detailStrength
 Exponentially sharpens or lightens the detail map rendering on the material.
filename diffuseMap
 Base texture for the material.
float diffuseSize
 Used to scale the diffuse map to the material square.
filename normalMap
 Bump map for the material.
float parallaxScale
 Used to scale the height from the normal map to give some self occlusion effect (aka parallax) to the terrain material.
bool useSideProjection
 Makes that terrain material project along the sides of steep slopes instead of projected downwards.

Detailed Description

The TerrainMaterial class orginizes the material settings for a single terrain material layer.

You should not be creating TerrainMaterials by hand in code. All TerrainMaterials should be created in the editors, as intended by the system.
// Created by the Terrain Painter tool in the World Editor
new TerrainMaterial()
   internalName = "grass1";
   diffuseMap = "art/terrains/Test/grass1";
   detailMap = "art/terrains/Test/grass1_d";
   detailSize = "10";
   isManaged = "1";
   detailBrightness = "1";
   Enabled = "1";
   diffuseSize = "200";
See also:

Member Data Documentation

Changes how far camera can see the detail map rendering on the material.

Detail map for the material.

Used to scale the detail map to the material square.

Exponentially sharpens or lightens the detail map rendering on the material.

Base texture for the material.

Used to scale the diffuse map to the material square.

Bump map for the material.

Used to scale the height from the normal map to give some self occlusion effect (aka parallax) to the terrain material.

Makes that terrain material project along the sides of steep slopes instead of projected downwards.

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