Add a Java applet

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

Add a Java applet

  1. In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design Button image.
  2. On the Insert menu, click Web Component.
  3. In the Component type list, click Advanced Controls.
  4. In the Choose a control list, double-click Java Applet.
  5. In the Applet source box, type the name of the Java applet source file.

    Java applet source files usually have a .class filename extension.

  6. Select any other options you want.

Important  Security vulnerabilities in external files or controls may extend to Web pages that use those items. For example, external style sheets (files with a .css extension), script files (files with a .js extension), custom ASP.NET controls, or other items, may pose a security risk. Be sure your style sheets, add-ins, themes, executables, scripts, controls, or other files come from trusted sources.