About frames

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

In frames pages based on the Banner and Contents frames page template, many companies use the banner frame to show a corporate logo and the primary departments.

Frames pages are often used for catalogs, lists of articles or information, or any other kind of page where clicking a hyperlink in one frame shows a page in another frame. Authors use frames pages because they contain built-in navigation and present a consistent user interface.

What are frames used for?

Callout 1 A user clicks the link in the banner frame

Callout 2 A list appears in the contents frame; a user clicks the link in the contents frame

Callout 3 A page is displayed in the main frame

ShowControlling the appearance of frames

On any frames page, you can split a frame horizontally or vertically to create two frames. You can either split it into evenly divided rows or columns, or you can drag its border to specify a certain size for each frame. You can resize or delete frames by selecting and dragging frame borders. You can also choose to show or hide the borders between frames.

Controlling the appearance of frames

Callout 1 Split a frame

Callout 2 Resize a frame

Callout 3 Delete a frame

Callout 4 Show or hide frame borders

You can also control:

  • The amount of space between frames
  • The size of margins inside frames
  • Whether or not a frame can be resized by users in the browser
  • Whether or not scroll bars are shown in a frame