About tasks

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

About tasks

You can track work items on your Web site by assigning tasks to people or to workgroups. You can also add a description of the work item directly to the task. You can associate these tasks with any file on your Web site — including a Web page, a picture, a sound file, or another Microsoft Office System document.

By using Tasks view, you can monitor the most recent information about each task. Each task has the following properties:

  • Status— Completed or in progress
  • Task— The task name
  • Assigned To— User name or workgroup
  • Priority— High, medium, or low
  • Associated With— The name of the file the task is associated with, if any
  • Modified Date— The last time the file was modified
  • Description— A description of the work that needs to be done

You can sort tasks by any of these properties.