More new features in Office

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

What's new in Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

More new features in Office

What's new home

New look for Office

Microsoft Office 2003 has a new look that's open and energetic! New and improved task panes include Getting Started, New Page or Web, Help, and Search Results.

Microsoft Office Online

Microsoft Office Online is better integrated in all Microsoft Office programs so that you can take full advantage of what the site has to offer while you work. You can visit Microsoft Office Online directly from within your Web browser, or you can use the links provided in various Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 task panes and menus to access articles, tips, clip art, templates, online training, downloads, and services that enhance how you work with Office programs. The site is updated regularly with new content based on direct feedback and specific requests from you and others who use Office.

Improving quality for the customer

Microsoft strives to improve the quality, reliability, and performance of Microsoft software and services. The Customer Experience Improvement Program allows Microsoft to collect information about your hardware configuration and how you use Microsoft Office programs and services in order to identify trends and usage patterns. Participation is optional, and data collection is completely anonymous. Additionally, error reporting and error messages have been improved so that you are provided with the easiest approach to reporting errors and the most helpful information about alerts at the time you encounter a problem. Finally, with an Internet connection, you can give Microsoft feedback about an Office program, Help content, or Microsoft Office Online content. Microsoft is continually adding and improving content based on your feedback.