Visual Studio Native Debugging Views


CodeXL User Guide
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Visual Studio Native Debugging Views

Many Visual Studio native views have information from the CodeXL GPU Debugging Engine.

Source Code Window

·         During API debugging, CodeXL displays the C/C++ source that led to the API function call in the source code window.

·         During OpenCL kernel debugging, CodeXL displays the kernel source code in the source code window. This is done from a project file, if available, or from a temporary file for applications that generate the kernel source at run time.

·         Double-clicking an OpenCL kernel or program, or an OpenGL shader in the CodeXL Debugging Object Explorer, displays its source code in the source code window.

·         Double-clicking an object allocation call stack frame in the Memory view displays the source location associated with that stack frame in the source code window.

Breakpoints View

·         CodeXL API function breakpoints are displayed as C/C++ function breakpoints.

·         CodeXL kernel function name breakpoints are displayed as function breakpoints with the prefix Kernel: .

·         CodeXL Error / Warning breakpoints appear as function breakpoints, with their descriptive string as the breakpoint.

·         Kernel source code breakpoints are displayed as breakpoints in the kernel source file. Note that if a temporary kernel source file is created at runtime, the breakpoints set in it do not work in future runs of the application. To associate a kernel with a source file, include the source file in the debugged project, with a .cl file extension.

Watch View

During OpenCL kernel debugging, enter variable names in the Watch view to see them update during debugging or when switching between work-items in the Work-Item toolbar.

Autos View

During OpenCL kernel debugging, the Autos view displays the values of variables near the program counter, if possible.

Locals View

During OpenCL kernel debugging, the Locals view displays all the available kernel variables in the current scope. An additional variable, KernelDispatchDetails, which indicates the kernel’s work size and the selected work item ID and workgroup, is also displayed.

Call Stack View

During API debugging, the current API function's call stack is displayed in the Call Stack view. During OpenCL kernel debugging, the kernel's call stack is displayed in the Call Stack view. Note that since the kernel is debugged at execution time, the call stack does not contain the clEnqueueNDRangeKernel or clEnqueueTask API function call that started the debugging.