To compile the application on Microsoft Visual Studio, update the configuration properties to include the path of header file, DLL file, LIB file of AMDTActivityLogger.
To compile a C++ application on Linux using G++, use the following command:
$ g++ -std=c++0x <source-file.cpp> -L<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR>/SDK/AMDTActivityLogger/bin/x86_64/ -L<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR> -I<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR>/SDK/AMDTActivityLogger/include -lAMDTBaseTools -lAMDTOSWrappers -lAMDTActivityLogger -lrt –ldl
You may choose to use 2011 C++ standard or newer C++ standard while compiling C++ target application with profile control APIs.
To compile a C application on Linux using GCC, use the following command:
$ gcc <source-file.c> -L<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR>/SDK/AMDTActivityLogger/bin/x86_64/ -L<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR> -I<CODEXL-INSTALL-DIR>/SDK/AMDTActivityLogger/include -lAMDTBaseTools -lAMDTOSWrappers -lAMDTActivityLogger -lrt