Investigate Branching


CodeXL User Guide
Help > Using CodeXL > CPU Profiler > CPU Profile Configurations > Investigate Branching
Investigate Branching

This pre-defined configuration is intended to assist an investigation into branching and near-return performance.

Hardware Events: (the numeric hardware event codes are the codes the CPU uses to identify these events)

·         [0C0] Retired Instructions

·         [0C2] Retired branch instructions

·         [0C3] Retired mispredicted branch instructions

·         [0C4] Retired taken branch instructions

·         [0C8] Retired near returns

·         [0C9] Retired mispredicted near returns

·         [0CA] Retired mispredicted indirect branches

The available views for profiles with this data are:

·         All Data

·         Branch assessment

·         Near return report

·         Taken branch report