GPU Debugger


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GPU Debugger

The CodeXL GPU Debugging module traces application activity that makes use of OpenCL and OpenGL to provide application behavior information necessary for finding bugs and optimizing application performance.

With CodeXL, you can look inside your OpenCL and OpenGL API usage to see the effect individual commands have on application behavior.

CodeXL also lets you debug your OpenCL kernels at runtime, inspect variable values across different work item and work groups, inspect the kernel call stack, and more.

There are different ways to use the analytic capabilities of the CodeXL GPU Debugging Module: from locating bugs through removing redundant calls and errors to performing regression tests.

Whether you want to shorten debugging time, improve application quality, or optimize application performance, CodeXL displays the information you want.


The GPU debugging controls include:

·         Toolbars

·         Views

·         Dialogs