PowerPoint properties and Lotus Notes fields

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

Microsoft PowerPoint property Lotus Notes field
*Title Title
*Subject Subject
*Author Author
*Keywords Keywords
*Comments Comments
Template Template
*Manager ManagerText
*Company Company
*Category Category
Created DateCreated
Modified LastSavedDate
Last Saved By LastSavedBy
Size NumberOfBytes
Revision Number NumberOfRevisions
Total Editing Time TotalEditingTime
Printed LastPrintedDate
Slides NumberOfSlides
Hidden slides NumberOfHiddenSlides
Words NumberOfWords
Paragraphs NumberOfParagraphs
Document Class DocumentClass
Name of Application NameOfApplication
*Custom Property Name Name of the custom property
Notes NumberOfNotesPages
Multimedia Clips NumberOfMMClips
Presentation Format PresentationTarget

Note   An asterisk indicates that the property and field are updated both ways— changes in the presentation are reflected in the Lotus Notes field, and changes in the Notes field are reflected in the presentation. Entries without an asterisk indicate that information exchange is in one direction only— from the embedded presentation to the Notes document. Changes in the Notes field don't affect the presentation.