About embedding fonts
If you are going to show a presentation on a different computer, you might want to embed some TrueType fonts into the presentation. This guarantees you will have the fonts you want.
File size
Embedding fonts in your presentation increases the file size. You have a choice of embedding only the characters that are used in your presentation (rather than a full font set), and keeping the file size a little smaller; or, you can embed all font characters, which can result in a much larger file. However, if you plan to have others review and edit your file, it's best to embed the full font set.
Fonts included in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office
You can embed any TrueType font that comes with Windows. Other TrueType fonts can be embedded only if they have no license restrictions. If a font can't be embedded
You do not have to embed the base fonts that come with Windows, which are:
- Times New Roman
- Arial
- Symbol
- Courier New
If you will be running the presentation on Office XP or later, these fonts are included and you don't need to embed them:
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Arial Narrow
- Arial Unicode MS
- Book Antiqua
- Bookman Old Style
- Century Gothic
- Comic Sans MS
- Courier New
- Garamond
- Impact
- Latha
- Mangal
- Monotype Corsiva
- MS Outlook
- Sylfaen
- Symbol
- Tahoma
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
- Wingdings
- Wingdings 2
- Wingdings 3
With the exception of Latha, Mangal, and Sylfaen, the same fonts come with Office 2000.