Apply a design template

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

  • On the Formatting toolbar, click Design Button image. (If you already have the Slide Design pane open with color schemes or animation schemes displayed, click Design Templates at the top.)
  • Do one of the following:
    • To apply a design template to all slides (and the slide master), click the template you want.
    • To apply a template to a single slide, select the thumbnail on the Slides tab; in the task pane, point to the template and click the arrow, and then click Apply to Selected Slides.
    • To apply a template to multiple selected slides, select the thumbnails on the Slides tab, and in the task pane, click the template.
    • To apply a new template to a group of slides that currently use a different template, select one of the slides on the Slides tab; in the task pane, point to the template and click the arrow, and then click Apply to Master.
  • Note  Design templates you have applied appear in the Slide Design task pane under Used in this presentation. All available design templates appear under Available for use.


    • To view the design templates in larger sizes, point to a template, click the arrow, and then click Show Large Previews.

    • To look for a template that doesn't appear in the task pane, click Browse at the bottom of the task pane.

    • To apply a "blank" design template, under Available for use, click the first design in the task pane, titled Default Design.