Find and replace right-to-left text

Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

  • On the Edit menu, click Replace.
  • In the Find what box, enter the text you want to find and replace, and then in the Replace with box, enter the text you want to use as the replacement.
  • Select one or more of the right-to-left-specific check boxes.

    You can select check boxes to search for text with matching kashidas (Arabic only), alef hamzas (Arabic only), and diacritics. Otherwise, Microsoft PowerPoint ignores these characters when searching.

  • Click Find Next, and then do one of the following:
    • To replace the currently selected occurrence of the text, click Replace.
    • To replace all occurrences of the text, click Replace All.
  • To search for the next occurrence of the text, click Find Next.
  • ShowTip

    To cancel a search in progress, press ESC.