Do one of the following:
Drag text
- To drag a selected paragraph that's next to a bullet or slide icon, point to the bullet or icon, and when the four-pointed arrow appears, drag up, down, left, or right. As you drag, the pointer changes to a two-pointed vertical or horizontal arrow, and a line appears to mark the destination of the text.
- To drag a few words you have selected, point to the selection, click, and when an empty, gray box appears on the pointer, drag the selection.
Move text using toolbar buttons
- On the Formatting toolbar, click Decrease Indent
or Increase Indent
Move text using the keyboard
- To decrease the indent of a selection, click SHIFT+TAB or ALT+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW.
- To increase the indent of a selection, click TAB or ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW.
- To move a selection up, click ALT+SHIFT+UP ARROW.
- To move a selection down, click ALT+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW.